[Universe 1] Slamming the younger man against the wall, the Doctor glared at the boy that Jen had gone back and saved. “You pushed her aside.” He said, anger evident. The kid had picked a bad time to come into the command center and his regret at coming in at this moment was evident. “You closed the bulkhead on her.” He shot back trying to shift the blame to someone else. Disgusted the Doctor pushed him aside. It would be something that he would regret for the rest of his life. “And I killed her.” He said shaking his head. “She was such a young thing full of life.” He said to no one in particular. “Doctor.” Goddard, Van Statten’s assistant said interrupting him. “The communications.” Turning, the Doctor saw that the monitor was flickering and within a few seconds there was the Dalek and Jen. “Jen.” He cried moving forward. She was safe. For now. But why hadn’t the Dalek killed her? It had with everyone else. It was its nature. When the Dalek stated he would kill her if they didn’t open the bulkheads the Doctor’s heart sank. So that was why he kept her alive. Use her as a bargaining chip. “Doctor, we can’t.” Goddard said looking over at him as if knowing what he was thinking. “You said it yourself it will kill everyone.” She waved toward the monitor. “Even your friend thinks it is a bad idea.” The Doctor looked toward the monitor where the Dalek sat, waiting for a response. “I killed her once, I’m not doing it again.” With a few buttons he set the bulkhead to open. They watched as the Dalek and Jen made it through the opening. “Good going.” Van Statten said glaring at him. “What do we do now, you bleeding heart? What the heck do we do?” “Give it a rest.” His assistant snapped. She looked at the Doctor. “Now what?” “Kill it when it gets here.” Adam stated speaking up. “None of our weapons work and the alien tech is in the vault.” Van Statten replied gloomily. “I’m too young to die.” He moaned. “Only the catalogued ones.” Adam replied ignoring the last comment. He looked at the Doctor hoping to make up for what he did. “There are a lot in my office still needing worked on.” “Isn’t your office in the vault?” The Doctor snapped remembering how the boy had been below. Adam shook his head. “No. I only went down because I heard that they got it to talk. My office is a floor down.” Looking at him the Doctor spun around. “Show me.” He ordered grabbing a radio on the way out. “Keep me posted on where the Dalek is.” He called leaving the room. It took them only a few minutes but they quickly reached Adam’s lab. Going over to the pile of “weapons” the Doctor started to go through them. “Broken. Broken. Hair dryer.” “Doctor, the Dalek is past your level and is almost here.” Goddard informed him. “Van Statten took off. It’s almost upon him.” Grabbing a weapon that would actually work, the Doctor took off toward the stairs. Despite the fact he disliked the man, he could not let another person die to this monster. “Is Jen safe?” He inquired taking the steps two at a time. “For now.” Goddard replied. “The Dalek seems content to just use her as a shield.” Coming into the large atrium, the Doctor dropped the communication device and armed the weapon. The Dalek seemed to have decided to leave Van Statten alone and had blasted a hole into the ceiling. What was really surprising however, was that the Dalek had opened up its shell revealing the mutant inside. It was a perfect opportunity to kill it once and for all. Then Jen moved in the way. “What are you doing?” He asked pointing the weapon down slightly so as to not accidently hit her. “Move. I have to eliminate it. Destroy it before it escapes.” However, his companion refused to let him shoot it. “It’s a Dalek.” He cried. “It has killed hundreds of people. I have to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, my race, my people.” When Jen stated it was changing he shook his head. “A Dalek cannot change. It knows one thing. Killing.” Steadying his hands he gripped the weapon more tightly. He could not let it live. He just couldn’t. One Dalek could result in a new Dalek empire. Everything he had sacrificed would be for nothing. “You would make a good Da-lek.” The creature said looking toward him. His jaw clenched, the Doctor raised up his gun but Jen was still in the way. An internal battle raged. He could push Jen aside and end this once and for all. But Jen’s look…Her words. She was disappointed and even though he shouldn’t, he did not want to let her down. Angrily he tossed the weapon aside. “Fine.” He said. They would all probably die but he would leave it be…for now. When the Dalek asked why they had survived the Doctor sighed, weighted down by all that they had gone through. “I don’t know.” He said shaking his head. When it mentioned it was the last he shook his head. “You aren’t even Dalek anymore.” He said. “You somehow absorbed Jen’s DNA. I’m sorry.” When Jen looked at him confused, he explained. “A Dalek is a creature engineered. They believe that they are perfection. Anything else other than true Dalek DNA is an abomination to them.” He told her. “They’d rather die.” He shook his head. Though he couldn’t bring himself to pity the Dalek he was glad that he wouldn’t have to kill it himself. The way Jen looked at him when he had the weapon saddened him. Maybe he had lost it but she didn’t know the truth. Thankfully, she wouldn’t think worse of him. Though, no doubt after this she would want to head home. Who would want to travel with a bitter, raged filled Time Lord? He wouldn’t. It was a shame really. He was starting to enjoy traveling again. Enjoy having a new companion. It almost made him forget about the war – at least temporary. For a short time he had almost been happy. The Dalek self-destructed and the Doctor turned away. What’s done was done. Goddard led some guards into the room and they quickly arrested Van Statten. “We’re sealing this place up.” Goddard said coming over to them. “You both might want to leave.” Nodding the Doctor headed toward the stairs. At her quizzical look, he gave a small smile. “We have other means to leave.” He told her. --- [Universe 2] Summer watched as the Doctor went over to talk to the man. She frowned as he placed hands on either side of the man’s face and seemed to just stay there hunched, not speaking. not Was this some sort of alien thing? She made a note to ask the Doctor later. “What’s he doing?” Shakespeare whispered not knowing either. Summer shrugged. “I’m not sure. He’s actually a bit of a mystery.” She stated. Shakespeare glanced over at her with a question in his eyes. “So, you are traveling with a man you barely know?” He inquired. “And you get so annoyed that I’m flirting with you having a wife. What woman runs off with a man she doesn’t know?” He inquired. Summer frowned and then blushed as she realized what he was implying to. “No. It’s not…. We aren’t…” She turned away. “It’s not like that.” However, Shakespeare just nodded. “Uh huh.” He said not completely convinced. After all, a beautiful young woman, a fairly handsome young man both traveling together and not related; something had to be amiss.” Suddenly a witch suddenly appeared causing both of them to jump. She touched Peter’s heart causing him to keel over. Summer swallowed and took a step back as the witch turned, eager to take another person out. Thankfully, the Doctor did not seem one bit scared. He quickly stepped forward and ignoring her, talked aloud to himself trying to figure out who she was. It was always fascinating to watch him when he was like this. Rambling to himself trying to remember something or figure out what was going on. Despite the witch, Summer felt herself smiling. He would take care of them. That much she knew. Then the Doctor got it. Turning, he spoke to the witch calling her out. Summer blinked surprised as the woman burst into flames, disappearing. Turning she looked at the Doctor confused but he, not waiting for the question, burst out an explanation. Then turning he headed out of the cell with Summer and Shakespeare trying to keep up. “What do they want?” Summer inquired at a pause in the Doctor’s explanation. Stopping he looked at her and folded his arms. Summer winced when he stated they wanted to make a new empire on earth. Weren’t there a million other planets out in the galaxy? Why did everyone like to come to earth? What was so special about the tiny planet at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy? She did not get to think too much on that before the Doctor grabbed her hand and she found herself running again. At least she did not have to worry about facing Shakespeare and having him either a) flirt with her or b) think she was some sort of companion and not in the good sense. Leaving Bedlam, Summer tried to keep up with the Doctor’s strides. Even if she was wearing pants, the Doctor was still taller than her and his long legs would quickly got faster than her dress or no. As they ran, Summer slowly turned over the conversation from Bedlam in her head. So if the witch or Carrionite as the Doctor called her used words and Shakespeare was excellent with words was that why they were here instead of some other planet? It still seemed strange that not many planets had individuals as good with words as Shakespeare. As they reached the street Summer thought of something else. “Wait, the world did not turn into an empire of these Carrionites.” Summer stated. “I would have remembered that. Wouldn’t I?” Time travel was always so confusing. It gave her a headache if she really thought about how something could change something else. Would that mean she would disappear? When the Doctor mentioned Back to the Feature, she frowned. “The novel?” She asked. When he mentioned the movie she shrugged. “I never saw it.” She said apologetically. “But I get the idea.” She looked at all the houses. “Great, so which one do we check?” As if her words had some sort of magic, one of the doors opened. “Oh. That was easy.” Sticking close to the Doctor she entered the house. Seeing a witch-Carrirate woman there, Summer swallowed as the woman talked. However, she wasn’t going to let the Doctor have all the fun, especially now that she knew what to do. “I got this.” She told the Doctor a bit confident. Stepping forward she pointed at the woman. “I name thee Carrionite!” She exclaimed. The woman shrieked and shrunk back before suddenly laughing. Very confused, Summer glanced at the Doctor. When he explained it only worked once, she blushed. Great. Now she looked like an idiot. It was times like this that she wondered why the Doctor kept her around. She wasn’t smart and heaven knows she wasn’t pretty. So why did he bring her along? Then the witch stepped forward. “He’s right.” She stated. “It only works once. But catch this – A little girl in a box, I name thee Summer Fox.” Something cold hit Summer and her vision quickly started to fade. She held up a hand weakly trying to call for the Doctor but everything blacked out and she fell unconscious.