Big Red gave a shrug. [color=red]"A General Shop would probably want undamaged goods they can immediately put on a shelf. A damaged piece of equipment needs to hit a clothier or a smith for repair."[/color] He stated, taking a guess on why Archer Girl was denied money for whatever she had potentially tried to sell. That hmph-ish tone spoke a good bit about her previous experience. Once they entered the Archer immediately stated what they were intending to do. They could have browsed a bit first to see if there was anything worthwhile. The place seemed under-used despite the Adventurer's Guild in town, and guards. Then again Palisade Town was still pretty new so it wasn't a major hub of activity. The keeper of the shop didn't look like he was made for this. The lack of proper posture, he was dirty, he didn't have a friendly look, no welcome either, and that dismissive look in his eye when he looked the three over. The words spilling from the smaller mans mouth made the reptilians mans eyes narrow. Druid Girl spoke up but the lanky runt talked back and was being a general ass. [color=red]"Customers buy and sell, ignorant boy."[/color] He growled out, looming over the two girls and the counter. Really the only things keeping him from bitch slapping the arrogant prick. Hell the boy didn't even have the build for a smith of weapons and armor, he was probably the hammering being in the backs apprentice! Human arrogance. And then the little shit started talking again which got a prehistoric growl to rumble out of the lizardman, his pupils nearly invisible slits. He was three seconds from jumping over the girls and the counter before another male voice joined in. This one yelling and booming which got the potential counter surfers attention. Nervous and not happy attention. The master of the shop emerged from the back and gave the boy a verbal smack-down before punching him across the shop. Big red's eyes followed the body before turning back to the blacksmith, a rather wide grin on his face. [color=red]"Good hit, and yes we're here to potentially sell some equipment we got from our last quest."[/color] He stated before stepping up to the counter and unloading all the weapons he had minus his massive knife. Several knives and daggers, a hatchet, a battle axe, the pair of quality hunting knives the girls didn't want, his studded club, and the shoulder armor and boots from the deceased swordsman. All of it was clean and what was decent had been sharpened. [color=red]"If I had had a grinding wheel I'd have taken off the rotten metal from the blades and made them stilettos, but that's something even I don't want to lug around."[/color] He rumbled out with a slight shrug. He wasn't looking for a fortune, just a fair price, and their floofy archer friend could add that longsword to the neatly arrayed items.