So for the adept role part, I was thinking more shaman/cavern druid than the arcane if that is acceptable. If not, then I'll switch to more of a scout/ranger role. [hider=Lilry] Name: Lilry Race: Lizardfolk Appearance: [url=][Link since the image keeps glitching and for Artist Credit][/url] Lilry is a female Lizardfolk who stands 7'4" tall with faded yellow eyes and rough olive-green scales. She wears leather scraps coarsely sewn together and travels with a crooked wooden staff adorn with odd trinkets and dried fungus/herbs. Role: Adept [i]The character fights with rudimentary magic and is knowledgeable in scholarly pursuits.[/i] Biography: Born into a small tribe that traversed into the warrens several generations back, Lilry knows very little of the world beyond the dark caverns she was brought up within. She grew up listening to the tales of the Civil War, captivated with fearful respect for the great red skies set ablaze with fire that were sure to sear the scaly hides of any Lizardfolk that traveled too far from their elder's watchful eyes. Life in the depths of the dungeon have never been easy, many of her kind have been struck down by the larger creatures deep within winding tunnels and over the last few years fewer and fewer that she knew in her youth have been relocated. Left to her own devices, Lilry draws on the innate magic of the dungeon to guide and keep her as safe as possible. Inventory: Leather armor, warped wooden stave, and a belt lined with four different sized pouches. Hung with leather cord from the short broken branches at the top of her stave are shining stones, crystals, pieces of century-old coin and dried dungeon herbs. [/hider]