"[i]I wish I knew. Are you attempting to get caught by the enforcers of the law? Get a better com-device.[/i]" The voice that responded was a scraping, distorted buzz that sounded harsh enough to be almost degrading but annoyed enough to not actually be hostile. Something scraped against the ground, skittered as if caught out of its hiding place and scampering for cover. Not too long after, a door could be heard clicking with a series of metallic scrapes, indicating that the locking mechanism was being undone. The gears whined and thuds ensued; heavy footsteps and a series of dimming chitters. "[i]I'm not a fan of waiting especially in conditions like these.[/i]" The lock clicked back into place and the heavy steps continued."[i]It is difficult for my kind to move around unnoticed. The porcine kind have eyes and ears all around. I walked in the city not as a free sapient but a creature to be watched and observed. It was difficult to not give them a piece of my mind, as your kind say.[/i]" His voice continued over the radio. "[i]They attempted to follow but I lost them in the scrap-yards. They thought me another vagrant, a lumbering hulk. They know not that the squalor and decay they created was my kingdom before it was their hunting ground.[/i]" A grim chuckle, sounding more like metal scraping over dried bone than anything approximating human laughter. It was not easy for his kind to replicate the language of vertebrate species. The steps stopped as the creature stopped, simply sitting onto the floor. Its massive, arthropod bulk was a death sentence for the old rusted chairs that were laid about. "[i]I was told there was work needed to be done, work that requires my talents.[/i]" The huge creature continued, content to sit inside and speak over the coms built into its suit. "[i]I want to know how big our team is and who they are first.[/i]"