[hr][hr] [center][h1][sub][i][color=red]Talon[/color][/i][/sub][/h1] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://i.gifer.com/4P8o.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Lake, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Valeria, [@Rodiak] Bronwyn, [@Moro][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Talon watched her, his gaze serious as he checked how she was holding the rock. It was such a simple thing, skipping rocks... it wasn't anything to hard. but she seemed to take joy in it. As her stone whipped across the water, she gained such happiness from it. There really wasn't any reason to take that joy away, and he returned her smile, giving a shrug. [color=red]"Not everyone is so willing to learn."[/color] He said softly, but was interrupted as someone approached them. Stiffening, Talon didn't turn. What could have possible swayed her to think that this was a good idea? He let the rock he held slip from his fingers, any good will he had disappearing, and he doubted it would be so simple to find it again. Why couldn't he have just been left alone? For a few moments, things had seemed okay. Like he wasn't being crushed by the anger, or by the melancholy that often plagued him. It had just been skipping rocks, now... even that was tainted. [color=red]"The thing about assholes."[/color] He said softly, [color=red]"Is they often don't realise they are being assholes. If something hurts, it isn't friendly competition.."[/color] He'd been okay for all of a few moments. That happened less and less lately. It wasn't much of an apology- even if it had been meant to be one. [i]Sorry you took it serious, but it was just a bit of fun.[/i] is what it seemed to him. [color=red]"I know I'm an asshole, but at least I admit it."[/color] He turned, sparing Brownyn a glance. He stared at her, as if daring her to say something else. [color=red]"Is that all you wanted to say?"[/color] He sighed heavily, just wanting those few minutes of peace back. His nails dug into the palms of his hands again, bringing about fresh blood to drip slowly onto the ground. [hr][hr] [center][h1][sub][i][color=yellow]Niesha[/color][/i][/sub][/h1] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://i.gifer.com/EpHU.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Sam [@Dark Cloud][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Niesha merely watched Sam, not certain if he was laughing at her or not. She wasn't sure... but she supposed it didn't matter. [color=yellow]"It looks like it... I'm not sure what they think they can do... Not like we can force Erin to go on the quest."[/color] perhaps they could help though, although she doubted they'd get far without Erin. Her gaze followed the others as some of them went to Erin- soon out of sight. Troubled, Niesha let her gaze move to the Owlet as it soared overhead. Snow circled above once, twice, and then aimed back towards the cabin. Perhaps the owl just wanted to let her know she was there. Niesha turned his attention back to Sam, a little amused. [color=yellow]"Sure"[/color] She said, although she was certain that cabin Nine was the hephaestus cabin, but decided not to say anything. She could be wrong- it wouldn't be the first time. SHe didn't really go to other cabins, so it was possible. [color=yellow]"I don't mind.... games are life."[/color]