Serenity sipped her cup of coffee as she gazed at her station beneath her feet. She watched each construction bay assemble it's current project. Some were idle, many were engaged in repair operations, some few were building new for a client. She turned slowly, gazing across the security and defense platforms dotted here and there, eventually making her way around to the other end, with the residential section and the port. Vaguely busy, as usually. The way she liked it; it meant federal security wouldn't care as much about this area. The rotation of the residential area seemed fine. She'd been salvaging components for another artificial gravity core, to build a more compact residential area, but she just had to finalize a few things in the blueprints before construction could begin. Satisfied with her inspection from the observation deck, she entered the elevator in the center and descended to the privacy of her home, the only open walking space attached to the manufacturing & processing block. She'd had one of the utility drones minding her breakfast. She wore pajamas. As she sat down to her meal, she started some music over her sound system and reviewed notes of the things they'd recovered from the ship graveyard since she went to bed. There had been some interesting finds over the few years she'd been here. If she were a better archeologist, maybe she could make more meaning out of it, but... She'd just have to let the information simmer in her brain. After breakfast, she decided she'd check out an interesting report from the spaceport, something about an ancient mech? One jaunt down some moving sidewalks, through residential, would take her to the spaceport, but finding the mech in that maze was going to be a hassle, too. She'd read some interesting things about the machine in question, and she wanted to speak to the owner about it. Heck, she should just find the owner. She remembered being surprised by his age when she reviewed the datawork. She disembarked into the residential archon of the station, following the listed address. The residential section was done up to resemble an actual town, and not just be a series of rooms on some lonely station. There were a few parks, as well. It didn't take her too long to find the place, but was the kid even in? If he wasn't asleep, would he be busy? Whatever. She knocked at the door, stepping back then and turning to gaze out over residential. If she was going to build that new section and have folks move over, she should really be sure to improve on the design.