[center][h1][color=gold]Leannah[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Lazhira's words made the catgirl think a bit more about what might have gone wrong with her attempt at magic. Perhaps it was imagining the sun? Was it her 'cheat' skill kicking in to affect it somehow? Was there a sun deity-...wait. Wait wait wait. Moon goddess, those comments about overstepping bounds way back to right after she died, fantasy world with magic, yeah a sun deity was a possibility. Maybe not the cause, but it was another train of thought she'd need to get back to at least. Either way, she would find herself bopped a good few times with a soup ladle before ultimately giving up and deciding that she needed to go and do some practice. It was something that she could do at least, martial arts that was, and yet as soon the catgirl thought this she felt an idea come to mind as she immediately turned to Lazhira. No time had passed at all, so she wanted to get on top of this in a heartbeat! Perhaps this could work out both ways! [color=gold]"Hey, Lazhira,"[/color] Leannah said, a small smile on her face, [color=gold]"I'd like to practice magic some more, if you're still willing to help! Don't want to...ah...cause another mess if I can learn how to. In return, I can help try to teach you something I know as well to show my thanks!"[/color] It was an idea for a gift at least. Martial arts that was. With that beast that she'd seen dead in-town, it felt only right that learning to protect one's self could be used as a gift! Basics that were easier to remember, good to drill in, and practical in application. Nothing too fancy if she was a newbie, the operative word there being 'if' and if the other girl wanted to learn at all. But aside from Earth history knowledge that wasn't so practical, all else she had was stuff like mathematical and other general education knowledge drilled into her in her old life that might be of worth. Sure that could be used, but it wasn't the first thing that had come to her head either. If Lazhira accepted the help her with magic, she'd spend as long as the other girl was willing to continue to practice magic and try to refine her usage of it. This would include a better attempt at making light of course, this time without the mental image of fire and a sun. If Lazhira was willing to learn martial arts, though, she'd use some of the time to also begin training her in the basics and such. A win-win either way, though Leannah hoped she'd be able to repay the kindness of this girl with her own offer. But if Lazhira didn't want to accept the catgirl's own offer, then the whole free time would be used in magic learning/training/practice in its own right before Leannah would go about some solid martial arts practice alone before going back inside and finding Narkissa and going to bed.