[table][row][cell][color=#FFA812]Nijira Inuzuka[/color][/cell][cell][color=#FFA812][right]"Don't you dare think that this is over! I won't just feed on the scraps of [i]your[/i] glory! I'll beat you, and even then I'll keep pushing! I'll beat every single shinobi in the world! I won't stop until everyone acknowledges me!"[/right][/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Trt35W9.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell]Jira scoffed and crossed his arms as Koji-sensei ran off. So it was a game of capture the flag, aye? Well, playing a game like that with an Inuzuka was just asking for trouble and if sensei was going to try to stop them, then he'd have to make sure that he wasn't around to be stopped. He could only hope that the rest of his "teammates" weren't about to get in his way! He sniffed the air twice and rushed forward. If sensei had any sense in his head, he'd probably try to form a perimeter around the scroll first. Then he'd... probably try to take them out one by one, but Jira had a secret weapon: His sense of smell and Komi's tenaciousness! They were excellent trackers. Jira just had to be the last one to be caught and he'd make it. Sure the others could serve as a distraction, he knew particularly that Naruko could do that clone jutsu and that other lewd one that got her in trouble with the teachers, but they couldn't match Jira's speed or senses. As he was sprinting towards the spot, he jumped up in the air and felt his body changing, as it always did when he utilized his clan's four legs technique. When he landed, it was on all fours and he bounded forward at much greater speed, his claws gaining much greater purchase as he did so. He was following sensei's trail and listening for his movements. He was quiet... and that made Jira nervous. He'd probably planned for him, probably had traps set up too. He'd have to be on alert. He wasn't stupid. A jounin was way more experienced than he was... but a trap was a trap. As soon as he was close enough, he'd stop and reassess, but gaining ground was important too. You couldn't leave sensei too much time or who knew what he was going to do? Heck, who knew what his two henchmen were going to do either? Unlike some ninja, he didn't just barrel ahead without thinking about things. H-he had a plan, even if there were a lot of unknowns in that plan. He'd figure it out as he went... Right? Yeah. He'd pass easily. He supposed that meant everyone else would too. They were lucky to have him on the team. Yeah. Right. Lucky! He was just glad his sensei didn't look like the stupid musclebound type. Jira didn't know if he would have been able to stand it. Komi stayed right by his side, his constant companion, the only one he could rely on. [/cell][/row][/table]