[@Captain Jenno] First off, *thank you* for showing out to pronounce Sait’s name; I was calling him Say-t because there’s a college in Alberta here called Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and that’s how it’s pronounced. Ahem. I really love the descriptive text you have for Sait’s skills and how he has learned and applies them; it brings out a lot in his personality. I really love how he feels like a real support character where his spells are really reflective of his personality and backstory, and it’s going to force you to be creative with how you apply them. The themes around his fixation on the mind and understanding it really shines through and how he has dedicated himself to helping others. I can’t wait to see how you apply this in the game. I have genuinely missed your writing; right off the hop the way you hook into his backstory and set the stage is nothing short of enrapturing, and you have such a beautiful poetic prose that brings things to life so vibrantly and pulls me into the scene and the emotional weight of what’s going on. It’s not traditional in the way it doesn’t start from the beginning, but it provides such brilliant context for what’s to come that it’s really lovely. In a way, how Sait’s experience in losing his father and his quest to rationalize it and question his own faith really gives me some slight Lovecraft vibes where you can picture his obsession and fixations leading down a dark and dangerous path. “He carried about him a bonhomie that was irresistible, and he drank Eno's love to its lees like a drunkard.” This is just a lovely bit of phrasing, I just thought I’d point that out. I like how Eno wasn’t an entirely successful blacksmith who was also taking on the mantle of being the provider of her family. I have a friend who lost her parents and had to raise her brothers on her own and try to maintain their estate, her struggles and love for her family really reminds me of Eno, and I can only hope she finds her own Torran. I really love how Torran became a sort of paternal figure to Sait, even if he was his brother-in-law, it’s a very wholesome relationship that ended up building the foundation for Sait’s path and purpose in life and it’s a really effective use of auxiliary characters building on your main character. Torran and Eno matter to Sait, and were and are formulating characters that still play a part in his life as opposed to an Obi-wan style mentor that shows up, teaches a valuable skill and lesson, and promptly fucks off when their purpose has been expended. There’s genuine warmth here and it feels like a real family. One trait you’ve woven into Sait I absolutely adore is how he uses Illusion magic as a form of healing and treatment for patients to comfort them, and it’s really heartwarming and brilliant in execution. It’s little things like that that give Sait this aura of goodness to him that really makes him stand out in a lovely way. It’s such an important thing; healing of the mind and soul is just as important as the body, and it’s conveyed really well in how you write this character. “The Witch’s Tit” I’d love to see the sign for that particular establishment. Top’s pulled up for open, down for closed? It’s an interesting turn of events for Sait heading to Skyrim at the behest of someone who seems to share Sait’s particular worldview, and even when the blinders come off and Sait realizes he’s been used, Gal not being real, it’s compelling that the situation still works to Sait’s benefit as it provides and avenue to pursue his fixation on understanding madness. It’s very pragmatic and interesting, and it’s a good window for him to learn the hard way that things aren’t always as they appear and motivations aren’t always altruistic. And I really love how Sait’s background and motivations seem to reflect nicely on the plot itself; it’s a perspective about the alteration of mind that he’s got this innate connection with that really seals this off so nicely. Honestly, Sait is a brilliant character and you have such a magnificent way of writing it really is such a genuine joy to read. There isn’t anything I’d change, and I welcome him and Sait into this story we’re all going to craft together.