[u][b]Crusade Fleet, Dominion space, 300k meters outside of Thera[/b][/u] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/29/f4/6f/29f46f4d4162afc4576a22e4dedf550a.jpg[/img] A collection of naval officer sat in the briefing room looking at the holographic star chart in front of them. The plans for the first major offensive of the war were displayed while the briefed the commanding officers from around the fleet. “ We are calling this offensive operation Torch. Our plan is to cut deep into Dominion territory, cutting off worlds while we link up with the Saxonian frontline”, the Admiral said as the display changed to illustrate the plan. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/755925910078750771/800192182396256266/Frontlines.png[/img] “ Task force 1 will stay in this system to protect our foothold here and support our troops. Task forces 2 and 3 will continue moving towards the Saxonian front, capturing worlds along the way. Once we link up with the Saxons, we will consolidate our positions, build defenses and distribute troops along the entire front. We also need to set up infrastructure to receive imminent reinforcements from home, until that happens our offensive capability will be significantly hampered”, the Admiral finished. “ Orders have been sent to your task group leaders, along with any relevant locations and coordinates…..questions” the admiral barked before scanning the room. The room was eerily silent, everyone was anxious to start the fighting. The longer they stayed here was another day that was lost to the enemy. They understood that the Dominion forces had to be mobilizing soon. “ Good….dismissed” the Admiral finished before walking off the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]A few hours later Task force 1[/u][/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/second-chance-stellaris-lp/images/4/4b/Orbital_bombardment.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20181104102053[/img] Task force 1 remained in its position as the other two groups left, leaving the space around Thera eerily empty. The vessels themselves were awash with activity however, as troops readied themselves and their equipment for the upcoming invasion. On the bridge, the weapons officer received a sudden coded message, complete with coordinates and locations for an orbital strike. The recon team down on the planet had identified initial targets ahead of the marine’s assault. “ Be advised, fire mission….stand by for coordinates” the weapons officer said over the ship intercom before sounding the warning alarm, changing the lights on the bridge from fluorescent white to a dark red. The orders were transmitted to the other vessels in the task force and they immediately began moving into position. Without delay, the ships began firing the first salvos of the war based on the coordinates provided by the recon team. [b][u][i]-ASSASSIN 1-1 REQUEST FIRE MISSION: GRID ZONE ZETA-BRAVO-ONE-ONE-THREE- TARGET-BARRACKS ( 39W,120N, 45°) TARGET-BARRACKS ( 29W,120N, 30°) TARGET-ANTI TANK BATTERY ( 39E,110N,43°) TARGET-ANTI AIR BATTERY (35W,115N, 40°) -MORE TARGETS TO FOLLOW- -STANDING BY FOR BDA-[/i][/u][/b]