[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hC4qfLA.png[/img] [h1][b][color=yellow]Camillio Seguvia[/color][/b][/h1] [h2][i]District XII[/i][/h2] [/center] [hr] Ever since that fateful day, whenever Camillio Seguvia would look into the mirror, an unfamiliar light burnt from his eyes. It was not the burning feeling of hurt pride, that had faded after the first two years. Nor was it anger at the half piteous eyes that followed him throughout the halls of the Clocktower, he had no longer cared for them after the first decade. It was only the ever-growing ennui of his position and situation, alongside the suppressed inner desire for something beyond his static daily life. Secluded away, both for his safety and because of his disinterest in the world outside the estate beyond his obligations. Perhaps the maddening isolation pushed him to recklessly participate in this perilous ritual so far away from his ancestral lands. Somehow, the sound of the pounding of his heart amplified as he drew closer to Budapest. The following events were somewhat of a blur, as he had summoned his servant hastily. Which led to his current situation. "... after which we are going to have to check into our lodgings, this matter should be resolved without any effort, which leaves us with time to scout out and prepare for our future battlefields. Ideally, we should take advantage of the daytime and the bustle of the city to cover you in spirit form. If there are-" Slowly cutting off his words, Camillio discreetly began to scan his general area, command seals burning in warning of a foe nearby. [i]Saber.[/i] He commanded. [i]It would seem that our plans for the Grail War are to be accelerated. If you wouldn't mind, find our opponent discreetly. After that, I care not for what you do, so far as you are able to find our opponent. I will watch from our connection but take care not to reveal too much of yourself, lest we give up the advantage of anonymity.[/i] Taking a step back to blend into the nameless crowd, Camillio laid in wait for the upcoming encounter. Whether it ended in bloodshed or not, he cared little for. But he would be lying if he said he did not yearn to face his opponent in battle. [hider] [@Breo] [@DarckLeon] [@Cu Chulainn][/hider]