[quote=@BangoSkank] Welcome back stranger. I tried ESO but didn't get past the tutorial bit. You might recognize this next bit, depending on how long you've been playing ES stuff. [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/002/703/Fishystick.jpg[/img] Good luck. Fantasy is a pretty popular genre here. A lot of Elder Scrolls and Warhammer. [/quote] If you're ever interested in trying it again and you're on PC let me know and I can help you out. I'm in a couple of super awesome guilds that are really helpful as well. The beginning tutorial in Arteaum is the worst thing ever. I started it and quit then went back over a year later and just gritted my way through it while I was waiting for Shadowlands to drop and now I've almost completely quit playing WoW.