[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595768800624902248/800243546665123860/header.png[/img] [h3]District V[/h3] [@SSW] [@Yukitamas] [@Yankee] [hr] [/center] It is untrue that she is particularly 'more on edge' from the rapidly changing situation. This would imply that she was not already as on edge as she could possibly be; in this way, she considers herself an ideal warrior. From the moment she first summoned her Caster, she has been on edge. She has been waiting for the fight to, eventually, begin. ... It's not a pleasant way to be, and if asked, she would loudly and gladly decry it as a foolish lifestyle, but that it was, regardless, her way. She looks to her side, and mutters - that stinging does not distract her. Well, it isn't supposed to, right? This is meant to be her reason to focus. If she has to fight, then she'll fight. It's about time she gets to work, here. [color=bc8dbf]"[i]... Be wary, Caster. I don't want to overplay our hand. If we can win without showing off, that's what's best.[/i]"[/color] She's kind of... firm. That is, awkward. She's not really used to working with anything with as much an expressive personality as this woman. It's awkward for her, because she can't compartmentalize it as easily. There's something to be said for a 'lone huntress', and in this war, she isn't going to get to be that. There will be some awkwardness while she adjusts, is all. She doesn't sit with her, though there is a passing fancy where she does strongly consider it - it would be nice, she supposes. The thought is swiftly abandoned. She also doesn't move away from her, though, standing behind her, her hands hidden in her sleeves. [color=bc8dbf]"[i]It's not surprising that we'll encounter an enemy, though. Even this early. If they're clever, they have the same idea as me, here - they probably don't want to show off all their tricks so soon. If we have to withdraw, though, there's no shame in that.[/i]"[/color] That, she truly believes. Living is the most important thing, after all. She's no samurai, and can barely be considered a warrior, in the traditional sense. Instead, she has no real illusions about her nature; she is just a hunter. If she has to be underhanded to win, she does not care. If she has to flee, or even surrender, she does not have shame in this. Glory is found only in victory, not in the way you find victory. This is the nature of killers, she believes, and so she can say that kind of thing. Nothing wrong with that, as far as she's concerned. Her arms leave her sleeves, and she glances to the side. Already, a small set of familiars - spirits bound in bird corpses - are shifting to help with the hunt. The sooner she finds the enemy master, the sooner she can engage him. [color=ed1c24]"Hunt."[/color] That aside, there is nothing to show in her look, her bearing, or her stance that would imply she is about to be in a fight. She is simply waiting for the battle to begin. [color=bc8dbf]"[i]All that said, Caster, I do hope that this display can impress you.[/i]"[/color]