Also, me and [@deia876lat] spat some lore in our talks. I mentioned that the Ship was named after a hero of the war against the Sorcerer King and Dei mentioned another hero who had been instrumental in taking him down. Do you have any guidance on that? Also, a calendar. If I read the lore correctly, it is about 100 years post cataclysm. so is the dating sequence starting since then i.e. 100PC. Do the months have names? How many days in a month? What are the days of the week named? Also, the Mage's rank structure. The way I see it, they are kinda like a monastic type of situation. would they have a rank structure similar to Pope>Cardinals>Bishops> etc? I mean, I know that we established their power rating but I was not sure if we had cemented an actual structure. I assume the Archmage is the bid daddy and they have a seat in the King's court. Is there a Joint Chief possition for the Knights? Not trying to make it confusing but I was just wondering.