[@ZAVAZggg] If I'm being honest, that sounds really sad. Maybe excitement is the wrong word, but shouldn't you have some kind of investment in your characters? What do you get out of writing them if you don't care about them as people and only see them as tools? Maybe try asking yourself, what part of you are you imbuing into the character. What part of them is a reflection of you, the piece that no one else could write, even if they had the same base concept, because they aren't you? Again, really trying not to be mean, but what part of the vampire lord who killed the ancient Harkon, final boss of one of the Elder Scrolls games and only being capable of siring pure-blood vampires, took his throne, his sword, and his court, and has a bunch of gems made for stealing the souls of powerful beings, wasn't a power fantasy? As for Arcamor, if you've decided he won't work, he won't work. It's that simple. You're the author, you can make changes to alter the character so they suit the setting. Naturally if you don't want to do that then they aren't going to suit the setting so a new concept is probably warranted.