[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/e733675fdccb10e2ac7c5210f3161a2a.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201114/bc6f475fea3cb608b073822f0c581099.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=00a99d]"I don't wanna hear it,"[/color] the big girl huffed in simple response as she ran, settling into a cadence of long strides and steady breath, a rhythm echoed by the soldier behind the pair as he managed to pull himself free. [color=00a99d]"Only apologize when you've done something wrong."[/color] It had been a poor choice, short-sighted and rash for sure. Doubling back like that definitely didn't make things any easier for the immediate goal of escape, yeah. But— [color=00a99d]"Wanting to save somebody who's in trouble ain't that. Else I'd be apologizing too, y'know?"[/color] And really, that was all she had to say. Beneath the covering fire of Rivka, her pilfered rifle cracking through the subterranean air in tandem with those of their escort, Selma made quick work of the gap between them and their peers, sparing only a moment's thought to wince at the nasty gash that had opened up on Crystal's arm before their small unit surged forward again, towards the light of imminent freedom that gently filtered down from above. The counterattack had, thankfully, been enough to beat back those masked things enough that they didn't get the chance to go for any of the girls again. For her part, the erstwhile farmhand just tried to keep her wits about her, and ensure her passenger was never endangered. "Up, go!" At Wei's behest, she charged up the stairwell, the rest of their motley crew close behind. Taking two, sometimes even three steps at once, a broad and toothy grin playing across her features as the kiss of cold air began to touch her skin. Cold, [i]fresh[/i] air— much more preferable than the stuffiness of a subway. The difference was subtle to people who commuted between the two daily, got used to it, filtered it into the background, but after their trials down there it was [i][color=00a99d]stark[/color][/i] and [i][color=00a99d]liberating[/color][/i] compared to the oppressive life-and-death below. [color=00a99d]"We made it..."[/color] she panted, just as much to herself as to Chie and the others, having taken most of that case as what equated to a dead sprint. Even having lived upon Hasta's "outskirts", Selma found herself taken a little aback by how much darker the cityscape before her was than what she was used to. Dimly illuminated by the weak, artificial off-white of streetlamps, the buildings were as blue-black monoliths in comparison to the seemingly omnipresent glow of the metropolis that had always been in her nighttime horizon. If she squinted past the light they were under, for instance, she could see stars. The telltale sound of peeling rubber and massed boots on stone pulled her out of the spell, as the four were quickly ushered into the cuboid, utilitarian, and definitely [i]armored[/i] looking transport. By sheer luck of the draw (and taking a second to finally let poor Chie down so she could get in ahead of her), Selma was the last to enter, and occupied a seat closest to the edge, hurting a little for leg room but refusing to complain. Especially given the circumstances. [color=00a99d]"Pheeeeeeeeew..."[/color] As the car (van? whatever it was) got rolling, and Wei set to work trying to at least close that nasty gash on poor Crystal's arm, she instead seemed to release the breath she hadn't known herself to be holding in one big ol' [i]sigh[/i] before turning her gaze onto the other three, a somewhat tired smile on her face. Finally, they could relax a little. [color=00a99d]"Looks like we made it out in one piece, gang. Three cheers for teamwork."[/color] She raised her fist and pumped it with a small [color=00a99d]"[i]Woohoo![/i]"[/color] before continuing. [color=00a99d]"Man, that was nuts back there. Never heard of masked ghouls like that, not that I can remember... Gonna give me the creeps for days. Anyone mind if I play us some music to lighten the mood a li—"[/color] Whomever had deigned to be looking her way as she was prattling on saw the big girl's face freeze mid-sentence, as the spark of some intercepting realization took from her emerald eyes the light that hadn't ceased once throughout the raid upon the station. Whomever hadn't, heard the dull [i]konk[/i] as the side of her hard skull met the reinforced glass of the window beside her, suddenly slumped into the wall of the vehicle. [color=00a99d]"My phone's in my backpack..."[/color] A hollow, inconsolable groan floated through the car. [color=00a99d][i]Aaaaaagh! Gott Verdammt![/i][/color]