Mai rolled her eyes at Maria’s attempt to keep her involved when she clearly was not interested and slipped out of her arms. The foreign hunter could get a tour from one of their greeters; the DHA was not paying her enough to play tour guide. As soon as they were done with the pleasantries, she was going home. There was a bottle of sake calling her name after a night like tonight. When Hoshio came over, Mai tried hiding her smile behind her teacup whilst he admonished Maria for her performance at their previous mission. Someone needed to call her out for her actions, especially if they had another mission so soon. They definitely did not need to catch a shrine on fire because they were not careful. [color=DC143C][i] “No. No. I think you’re better suited to deal with her than me,” [/i][/color]she teased back, glancing over at Maria as she continued to listen to Mako’s announcement. Before she could even respond to Hoshio, Mai found herself getting dragged out of the meeting room. She once again, slipped out of Maria’s grip before turning to the girl and glaring at her. [color=DC143C][i]“Bedrooms are that way.”[/i][/color] She curtly addressed the hunter for the first time since they’ve met while pointing down one of the building’s many corridors. [color=DC143C][i]“I suggest you get some sleep before tomorrow morning. Good night.”[/i][/color] Some might have called it running away, but Mai liked to think she was tactfully retreating from the South American hunter. After all, she too needed her rest before dealing with their new mission for tomorrow. Who knows what they were going to find. Mai had a feeling that whatever happened at the warehouse was only the start of something big.