Feng's eyebrow quirked up when the harpy smashed into the side of the building face first. How she didn't destroy or flatten her nose he'd never know. Still more to the first message was given to the party, an enemy of some sort would be coming soon. [i][color=red]I wonder how they know...[/color][/i] He thought as the elf showed off his ring was in fact a Spike that did...something aside from just stabifying his finger. Then the half-breed spoke up to designate which farm it was, which was rather useful information since there were multiple farms with kobolds and other smaller races. Ducking out of the inn his hand swept to the side and plucked up a massive stone axe that was promptly laid across his shoulder for easier carrying. It was like a sharpened rock tied to a small tree! But he didn't need to use it because the trip to the farm was uneventful, a boring quick pace to get to the farm before whatever this enemy was got there first. The sounds of barks and yips were heard, kobold language. Something he couldn't be bothered to learn, seriously when would he ever chat with a kobold that didn't know common? The miniature guard came barreling towards them, looking hopeful as he asked if they were there to help and if they got the note. The horned woman replied positively, the elf replied positively as well and...treated the kobold like a common dog. A dull look turned to the elf before he shook his head. [color=red]"What's the situation?"[/color] He questioned while looking down at the currently elf molested humanoid canine.