[hider=Galdin Frayheart] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DTNarLO.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Galdin Frayheart [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Sex:[/b] Male. Only male. [b]Birthday:[/b] 6th of January [b]Magic: Art of control: Sense manipulation & Frayheart family spells.[/b] [color=f7976a][b]- Art of control: Sense manipulation[/b][/color] [color=f7976a][b]Taste manipulation:[/b][/color] Increase or decrease the taste a person/creature feels, or make a piece of food either taste more or less, even make it tasteless. It cannot however change what it tastes like in flavour. [color=f7976a][b]Scent manipulation:[/b][/color] May enhance his own or others ability to smell things, even taking it away completely from others within a distance of 20 metres. [color=f7976a][b]Feeling manipulation:[/b][/color] Any person he choses to touch, with his weapon or using his bare hands can have their sense of feeling things either lessened or empowered, even to the more extreme degrees of not being able to feel any pain at all, and on the other end being able to feel intense pain from even the smallest of stings. [color=f7976a][b]Hearing manipulation:[/b][/color] May make his own or others hearing stronger or weaker. Can use this to make himself or others completely deaf. This only works for those able to hear him, those in the same world as him and within distance. This will not work on summoned magical beings, spirits or creatures which do not have physical hearing. [color=f7976a][b]Sight manipulation:[/b][/color] One of his more potent powers, where he can enhance his own or others vision. That or take it completely away for all who meets his gaze or even look at him, rendering them blind. This won't work on people who cover their eyes, averting their gaze or lacks eyes alltogether. Nor will it work on spirits, ghosts or creatures that do not have physical eyes. The various effects last for 1 hour to as little as 10 minutes depending on the severity of the condition in question. [color=f7976a][b]Sixth sense:[/b][/color] Galdin gains the ability to perceive everything around him for 15 seconds, but will make him receive something akin to a migraine after the fifteen seconds have passed. The mage may also use this on a another person within 10 metres, giving them the same boon and drawback. [color=f7976a][b]- Frayheart family spells:[/b][/color] [color=f7976a][b]Fray Flare:[/b][/color] A very basic but quick spell created by the Frayheart family, it looks like a small blue fireball the size of two clenched hands together. It doesn't deal much damage on it's own, it causes a stinging pain on whomever is hit by it, like a slow burn. But the effect itself isn't fire, but rather simply just magical energy. [color=f7976a][b]Retreat barrier:[/b][/color] A pretty standard magical barrier envelops the caster for a few seconds blocking most magically created attacks. The caster is able to move while the barrier is up, but unable to cast a spell from inside of it. The barrier however has a secondary usage, in that the caster can detonate it, causing the magical energies to blow out from the caster, causing anything near to be hurled away from it up to a 100kgs of weight. [color=f7976a][b]Glovely Lovely:[/b][/color] A pair of large blueish colored hands appear on the caster's own hands. The magic imbued into these make them act as if they were solid in nature rather than spectral, as if they were an extension of the mage's body itself without the pain receptors. They are however more sturdy than hands made of flesh, bone and flesh. Being able to withstand a few hits from weapons and even projectile type of spells. Though this is relative to what force is behind the weapon swung or the power of the spell used. The hands themselves are large, but weightless. And can grow in size if the caster so wishes, but only if the caster discards the magical hands from it's own hands. They would then grow big enough to be able to grab around a normal person. The uses for these two magical hands are vast, even more so than ones own hands as they can levitate within 50 metre radius of the caster. [b]Example of uses:[/b] - Tighten into a fist and used as a battering ram. - Grab and hold a person - Make a 'stop' motion to block incoming attacks. - Slap a creature's entire body in one motion. - Pull a lever - Lift something While Glovely Lovely are active in both hands, the caster cannot use any weapon in it's own hands or cast any spell which requires use of the hands. Such as his Fray Flare. [b]Magic Level: A[/b] [b]History: [/b] Born into a secretive noble family, Galdin was raised as most young nobles were. With a firm hand, proper etiquette and manners. His ancestors having been soldiers, which were able to buy themselves into nobility following a fortunate mineral find on their land. As such trinkets from battles, books and things of magical nature was a common sight for Galdin when he was young, his father having been a very determined man and took pride in the fact that his family had worked themselves up, to the point he was a very strict and stern man of very few smiles. Galdin and his father very seldom saw eye to eye however, mostly due to the formers desire to leave home and growing bored of it. The call to see the world was growing too tempting for Galdin, feeling that the very confines of the mansion was a prison rather than a home. So when his father had an unfortunate accident in the family mine, it didn't take long for Galdin to declare that he was leaving home. He was now after all the head of the family, as he had no siblings nor close relatives to contend with him for the position. His mother however was given charge of the mansion, a considerable amount of the wealth and the servants which would aid her in overseeing things at home. Galdin's relationship with his mother was better than with his father, but even so felt stale at best. While the time at magic lessons and dueling other young nobles had been a way to pass time and hone his magical powers, it had earnt him many enemies and sparked ire in other noble families due to the nature of how his spells were. While most mages were trying to make powerful spells capable of leveling buildings, or make flashy lights capable of inspiring awe and admiration. Galdin's magic had been partly selected by his late father, and the rest by himself. His main magic consist of spells which strip away other peoples five senses and at such leave them at a severe disadvantage which he exploit to the fullest. There is nothing beautiful about his magic, no flashy lights, no grand incantations or powerful blasts of energy. And this is why he is despised. The ability to strip his opponent of their dignity by rendering them unable to see, hear or feel. They would find themselves so humiliated that they wouldn't even refer to him by name or ever see him again, instead giving him names and not speak of how he bested them. Galdin's magic might itself not be flashy one bit, but he makes up for that in trying to make himself look and move in dramatic manners, having always had an interest in theatrics and acting. He even finds enjoyment in some music, books and art. The mansion where he had spent most of his life was not far away from Magnolia, which had always fascinated him. So it didn't take the man long before he left the cage that was his parents mansion and boarded an airship to take him to Magnolia. [b]Personality:[/b] Galdin is generally qutie laidback and conservative about his energy, confident in himself and his magic, yet this confidence doesn't blind him to the fact there are other powerful mages. Even if he may occasionally become very enticed and challenge more than one person to fight him. A thing he does have going for him however is his looks, which can help him in the initial stages of making a conversation or gaining attention. While outwardly he may seem like a social and open individual, his heart is sealed shut, in the sense that he doesn't let anyone get close to him. If someone tries he attempts to change the subject or remove himself from the situation. Philosopical discussions however is highly appealing to him, as it helps him ponder on others way of life and compare it to his own. Even if his views may end up being very twisted to others. But since he is so very closehearted knowing what he really feels or thinks can be a tricky thing to uncover. Those who dig for gold may find it, those which dig for coal may also find it. [b]Guild and guild mark location:[/b] None [b]Team Members:[/b] None [b]Three Strengths: [/b] 1. Hand-to-hand matters 2. Graceful 3. Multitasker [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. Overambitious 2. Awful at running 3. Stone hearted [b]Additional Details:[/b] -175cm tall, 68kgs - Carries a cavalry saber in a sheathe - Wears various small pouches at his belt with smaller trinkets and a small flattened backpack on his back with necessities. A comb, a signet ring, books, pens, a water container with fresh water, some dried meat kept in sealed containers, among other things that a young noble needs. [/hider]