[center]_-.-_ [h2]-| ƬᎯ⟆Ꮒ​​​​​​ |-[/h2] -_._- || | | /__\ [hider=𝄢] What are we doing? - https://youtu.be/9F70KrO0XZ0 [/hider] To the farm and to the enimy¡[/center] The elf in the corner of the room had taken responsibility for the dirty mug that Runem was cleaning. Galain Jinn had revealed his name and announced his possession of a spike. Tash would start smelling the blood coming from Galain's finger, Tash would become drawn to his voice that would soon be contrasted. [color=plum]"I'm Ta-"[/color] Tash manage to get out before being interrupted by a loud bird brain, calling out at Runem from a window. The elf would turn his focus, as well as Tash who had jumped a bit, to the new arrival. Tash was a little used to sudden loud noises thanks to all the kobolds, but Tash wasn't prepared for sudden birb. [color=plum]"Unpaid debt?"[/color] Tash said in a hushed town along with the harpy's talk making it near impossible to hear. Tash took note that Runem made a odd kind of reaction to the harpy. She interested Tash with the idea of her maybe maybe over indulging on something in the kingdom Like Tash had. . . As conversation progressed the adventures found themselves going to their first mission, minotaur carrying quite a club, Elf day dreaming, and the sheep girl seeming focused on getting to the destination. Amitha shot a thumbs up at a kobold whom's face seemed to brighten. Tash look at Amitha and then her thumb and imitated it at the kobold 5 seconds after she did. [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsCUs8iVEAAoIqk?format=png&name=900x900[/img][/center] Tash was determined to also reassure the kobold things were going to be okay, but Tash wasn't sure how yet. The elf changed his tone to his elf-to-dogo accent. Weird thought Tash, but it would get worse as the elf started touching the kobold. Tash pulled back his hand with his tail becoming pressed to his left leg's side, spike holding on to the other side. Tash squinted a bit with a delayed twitch. Tash stopped to look up at the minotaur also watching the elf. Feng made a seemingly disowning face which to Tash so far seemed only slightly different from Feng's default face. Thumbs up, ear scratching, and a less excited response to the kobold. Tash spoke trying to recall how the harpy spoke, [color=plum]"Is there a an-emy here?"[/color] Tash didn't know the word enemy and let alone "Enimy".