Ascot could feel the surge of surprise and fear - For him as well as for herself - Which emanated from the station owner as she told him not to use his Psionic powers. It appeared that the old suspicions still lived on in this space station. He briefly nodded, only glad that it seemed Serenity was going to be reasonable about this. "I'm sorry," he said as apologetically as possible, "And thank you for your offer - It's both unexpected yet kind. Again, if I can do anything to pay you back, I will." And with that, he led Serenity to the Ashbringer's hangar bay, a small chamber more fit for an exosuit or oversized power armor than a 'true' mech. Ashbringer stood there, docked, with its crimson surface glistening despite its year-long combat career - It must have been cleaned already. Aside from the original frame, which was of unknown manufacture, it had also been retrofitted with Vexeyul weapons, which confirmed that Ascot had fought on their side. But its most notable feature was that it was so [i]small[/i], only 4.51 meters tall. "Ain't she a beauty?" the sixteen-year old said proudly. "Don't be decieved by the size - She's much more powerful than her size." [@CitrusArms]