[hider=Amelia Averyonna] Name: Amelia Averyonna Age: 13 Magic: Necro Spirit: A holder magic, Amelia is able to form contracts with the souls of the dead and can summon them to fight for her. Amelia stores the spirits in an amulet she carries around. Her spirits are often brute force fighters but there are a few mages among them and they are all powerful enough to guard their 'mistress'. While she used to have many spirits, some have passed on, satisfied with her growth and believing some of her newer spirits, the powerful Reapers. Currently, Amelia possesses three of the five Reapers and one other Spirit: [hider=Ellis Averyonna] [img]https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/20/29/55/71/cb742a10.jpg[/img] Amelia's first adoptive mother and her most loyal guardian. A former S-class mage and user of lightning magic before her death, Ellis is the spirit who want's to see Amelia be the happiest she can be and will often summon herself to give advice to her daughter or people who are trying to talk to her and having trouble doing so. [/hider] [hider=Phlegethon] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/10c18efa-6f2d-4204-93ff-1adcee889756/d78qs8f-7f2bd538-5946-4a8c-a26e-31ee1f756693.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi8xMGMxOGVmYS02ZjJkLTQyMDQtOTNmZi0xYWRjZWU4ODk3NTYvZDc4cXM4Zi03ZjJiZDUzOC01OTQ2LTRhOGMtYTI2ZS0zMWVlMWY3NTY2OTMuanBnIn1dXX0.4ZSj9u5lfCL0k9M3eSxhxNxW-w8HYkaH8i7ah815xhc[/img] The Reaper of War, Phlegethon was Amelia's first reaper. Like allReapers, he possesses superior Strength and Durability, to the point of being a juggernaut in terms of fighting ability. He also possesses Flame Magic, conjuring and control fire as if it was an extension of his own body. He is the fiercest of Amelia's protectors, outside of Ellis, and will always show up with the 'young mistress' ever finds herself in trouble. [/hider] [hider=Cocytus] [img]https://giantbomb1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/15/152870/2684744-warcraft_glowei021c.jpg[/img] The Reaper of Natural Death, like Phlegethon, Cocytus possesses the same levels of Durability and Strength as Phlegethon, but instead uses Ice magic. His presence alone causes the temperature to drop several degrees and frost the form on the surroundings. He is one of the more passive spirits Amelia possesses, but is still loyal to her and will show up when the situation calls for it, though he prefers to observe and see if Amelia can get through a situation by herself.[/hider] [hider=Lethe] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7af88dfc-1056-4b79-9572-04ef3fdbba49/d5p2zwy-713ca278-ab15-4865-9092-f116ec211d94.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_2263,q_75,strp/the_four_horsemen___famine_by_thedurrrrian_d5p2zwy-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MjI2MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdhZjg4ZGZjLTEwNTYtNGI3OS05NTcyLTA0ZWYzZmRiYmE0OVwvZDVwMnp3eS03MTNjYTI3OC1hYjE1LTQ4NjUtOTA5Mi1mMTE2ZWMyMTFkOTQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE2MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.-z3UGxrO-WuVl6ONQZ3IbqBCjnDPq_u7EkQGkXb7b3I[/img] The Reaper of Pestilence, Lethe is probably the deadliest of the Reapers Amelia currectly possesses, utilizing Poison and Disease magics along with the usual benefits of being a Reaper, taking a slow approach to battle, letting his magics weaken his opponents. He is the least interested in Amelia out of the spirits, perfectly fine with letting her perish though his two brothers make sure he comes out when needed.[/hider] Elemental Spirit: Another Holder magic, Amelia summons elementals to fight by her side. The spirits are held in the crystals on her 'wings' and should any be defeated Amelia suffers damage as well, as she is literally linked to the elementals she summons. She has access to all six of the base elemental of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness. She is incapable of fusing her elementals together but she is trying her best to try and learn to do so. Magic Level: A History: The saying 'Twice blessed, twice cursed' can easily be applied to Amelia. Abandoned at a young age, Amelia grew up on the streets of Shirotsume, stealing and doing whatever she had to do in order to survive. However, Amelia was born with incredible magical power which quickly made her a target for several groups in the area who were looking for individuals with such potential. Amelia managed to avoid such groups for a little while before she was found and captured by the cruelest for the groups, who was looking into experimenting on individuals like her to make them better then the average mage through genetic experiments and occasional grafting of extra limbs. Essentially a group of made scientist working to create a 'super-mage' through any means necessary. Amelia was put through several tests and had a pair of wings grafted onto her back through her stay with this group. Amelia almost died throughout the courses of these experiments several times but always managed to survive by the slimmest of margins. After several years of these experiments, a group of mages raided the compound Amelia and the other children were being kept in on orders of the magic council. After the battle the children were separate from one another and taken to families who would take care of them. Amelia was given to the mage Ellis Averyonna, a young lightning mage who had helped in the raid and taken a shine to the girl. Ellis gave Amelia her name and taught the girl how to read, write, do math, and magic. She even helped Amelia discover the two magics she currently uses and helped the girl learn how to use them. Sadly Ellis would be killed while out on a mission and Amelia ended up wondering the land for a few months on her own, getting by much like she had before everything went downhill. Hearing about the guild known as Phoenix Wing, she has made it her goal to join them and try and find her place in the world. When she finally did arrive at Phoenix Wing, it was the same day as several of the other current members and things started off in a rather exciting manner. Not even an hour after joining, she had ended up in the alternate reality that was Edolas. While she didn't do much during that unexpected trip, she did get to know the husband of the Guild Master, Jarvis and became rather close to him. The next few months were rather peaceful for her, as she grew accustomed to having a place to stay again and people to talk to. The person she remained closest to was Jarvis, who became like a father to her. A few months after joining the guild, a Grand Magic Games were started up again. It was during these games that Amelia got another chance at having a family when she was formally adopted by Jarvis and Jamie. She took part in one event in the games, a battle royal of sorts, though she only took part in one fight and was eliminated. These days, she still remains at the guild, enjoying the company of her family and others while occasionally going on jobs, though rarely alone, wether it is her choice or not, as several members have taken it upon themselves to look after her whenever she goes out on a job. She does not complain though and actually enjoys the company, even if it's for a minor quest she would have no trouble completing. Personality: A very reserved girl, Amelia has difficulty opening up to others. Despite this, once Amelia sets her mind to something, she will do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals, even if it means conquering her fears for only a little while. Despite her shyness, Amelia is capable of holding a conversation, though her views tend to be a bit more negative then one would think from one so young. She is a bit socially awkward as well, sometimes asking or saying things without thinking of how they might anger or embarrass others around her. Team Members: none Three Strengths: 1. Adaptable Magic: Amelia has a spirit that can cover almost any situation and her elemental spirits make her a threat to any mage who relies on elemental magic. 2. High tolerance for pain: Due to her past, Amelia can take a lot of pain without even flinching or being bothered. While she still feels the pain, she is able to ignore it, though major injuries, such as broken bones, can still cause her visible discomfort 3. Spirit Medium: Amelia is able to talk with the spirits of the dead, allowing her to gather information that might otherwise be lost to others. This is especially useful if someone they need to talk to for a mission has passed on. Three Weaknesses: 1. Non-combatant: Amelia relies completely on her spirits to fight for her and completely incapable of defending herself should an enemy get in close and engage her in melee combat. 2. Aversion to bright lights: Amelia has spent most of her life in dark places. While she is getting better at handling sunlight, sudden bright flashes can blind her for long periods of time and cause her immense pain she can't stand. 3. Phonophobia: Amelia hates shouting, thunder, and loud noises in general and any such noise causes her to pretty much shut down or cower from it's source. Greatest Love: Her family Motivation: To make her family proud and to be happy. Appearance: [Img]https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/20/29/55/71/23367b10.jpg[/img] Amelia never wears dresses unless she absolutely has to. She instead prefers to wear regular shirts and jeans, but like her first adoptive mother Ellis. Her shirts have two cuts in the back for her wings to come out of without tearing the shirt apart. Additional Details: [/hider] [hider= Joshua Tamashii/Ullr Jormangandr] Name: Joshua Tamashii/Ullr Jormangandr Age: 23 Magic: Kaminari, the Lightning Blade: A katana made of adamantine and enchanted with lightning magic, over the past two years, Joshua has begun using this sword above all others in his collection to the point that it has become his primary magic. The blade can run a current through it to increase the sharpness of the blade to the point that it can cut through steel with the greatest of ease, as well as create and manipulate lightning in minor ways, such as shooting bolts or channeling it through the ground. Requip: The Swordsman: A requip magic specializing in swords, Joshua is able to summon any blade he possesses from a pocket dimension to his person. He is skilled enough to do in the middle of battle. Should the blades be magical, Joshua is able to unleash their powers to help him deal with other magical foes, making his very adaptable. He currently rarely uses this magic anymore but keeps it in reserve for emergencies. The swords Joshua has stored away are a wakazashi enchanted with ice magic called Nozan Fuu and a longsword enchanted with fire magic called Akuma no Kiba. The only other sword he has on him is the blade he left his home with and a dagger he uses for more utility purposes then any actual combat. Magic Level: A History: Born in the far north as Ullr Jormangandr, where magic is a rarity and most rely on strength of arm and the blade of a sword. Born to the son of the village's strongest warrior, Ullr was taught how to fighting from the age of two and quickly became known as one of the strongest children his age. However, he gained a stigma at the age of five when, during a training session against one of the older children who was much stronger then him. Pushed into a corner, Ullr found himself disarmed and about to lose the fight when there was a flash of light and he had a sword in his hand. The sight caught everyone off guard and the fight was stopped. Upon returning home, Ullr was criticized for using magic and beaten badly before being told to never do so again. Ullr, being curious and wanting power, disobeyed his father and whenever he was alone, he tried to figure out how to use his magic and it's functions. When he was not practicing magic, he spent his time doing the things all children did in his village, which was training and sparring. He acceled at both of these things and eventually managed to figure out his magic and it's functions. Needless to say, Ullr began to grow very prideful and arrogant. Thus, when he was thirteen and took part in a tournament amongst his peers and elders. Ullr made it to the finals of this tournament and found himself against an opponent several years his senior. During the fight, Ullr found himself once again on the losing end of the battle. Refusing to lose and willing to do anything to win while also being blinded by his rage at the situation he found himself in, Ullr used his magic to summon a real sword he had stored in there a year before and struck down his opponent. The consequences were swift and brutal. Ullr was immediately arrested and placed in a cell. The next morning, Ullr found himself on trial for the murder in a competition that was not to be lethal. On top of that, he had used magic and therefore cheated in the competition. Therefore, he was to be executed but his siblings, two great warriors with some pull in their own right, had stepped in and talked down the punishment after hours of debate. He was instead banished to the frozen wastes and to be branded an traitor and murderer. Ullr turned to his siblings for further help but his brother Tyr simply turned away in disgust while his sister Sol kept her eyes focused elsewhere. When the brand was brought forth, Ullr requested to at least place the brand himself, as long as he made it visible to all. This request was granted and Ullr took the branding iron and shoved the hot metal onto the back of his left hand. After the pain had faded and he got whatever little he was allowed to take with him, Ullr left the village and made his way into the frozen wastes that were his home land. Ullr nearly died during his first week, almost freezing to death in the usual cold weather. However, his luck held out and a passing hunting party found and took him in, just barely saving him. The hunting party took him back to a military base in the south, where he was nursed back to health., as the fort usually did with those they found out in the waste. This turned out to be a blessing, as a group of traveling traders happened to be at the fort, selling weapons and other objects. Joshua took an interest in the group after hearing a few stories from then about the lands they traveled to, Ullr took an interest in the land to the east, especially after seeing one of the katana swords that came from there. After days of badgering, he managed to convince the leader of the caravan to let him come with them, as long as he left them once they arrived to the lands in the east. Ullr spent a solid year with the group before they arrived at the lands to the East. During this time, Ullr had learned the language and a bit about trade to help him when he finally departed from the group. In return, he helped them learn a bit more about the tribes of his land and helped them defend themselves whenever they came under attack. Thus, when the time came, he parted on good terms with them and with a little cash in his pocket. Ullr spent a solid month, looking for a master to teach him swordsmanship. He was generally turned down by most, due to his being an outsider and the town he was in not looking favorable upon them. When he finally did get information, it was to climb to the top of a mountain to see a recluse who lived there. Having no other lead, Ullr made his way up there. Thankfully the mountain had stairs carved into them. It took him several days to climb up them and reach the home that rested near the top, just before the snow began to form on it's peak. It was here that Joshua met Kirin, the swordsmaster who resided there. The man was impressed to see one as young as Ullr climb the mountain to seek him out, with no one to accompany him and very little to his name. Despite that, it took several days and tests for Ullr to prove himself before the lessons began. The first thing Ullr learned, before even touching a sword, was to control his emotions, especially his anger, as well as to let go of his pride. Kirin broke the boy down and had him build himself up into a newer, better person then he had been before. Only after Ullr had been broken down to a more humble, if still slightly assholish person, did his training with the sword begin. Ullr trained for years and quickly picked up and mastered the Iaido style of swordsmanship along with the basics of several other styles, like Kendo and Niten Ichi-Ryu, taking to the former of the three with the greatest of ease. While there, Joshua also practiced his magic and managed to come to own several magical blades of his own. He also decided to take on a new name, choosing Joshua after one of the merchants he had traveled with and Tamashii, after one of his favorite words he had learned in the East. By the time he was 20, it was time for Joshua to move on. He decided to head to Fiore, a land where he heard many powerful wizards and fighters came from and test himself against them. It took him an entire year to reach Fiore, during which time he learned the language of the country and a bit more about it's guilds and society. When he did arrive, he made his way straight to the guild Phoenix Wing, to join the best of the best and had ready access to them for possible spars. The day Joshua joined was the same day as the child spirit user Amelia Averyonna and the Ice Dragon-Slayer, Amaya Van Isis. His first day was definitely eventful as he was whisked away to the land of Edolas along with several other members. While there, Joshua mostly stayed with Amelia and Jarvis, soon growing a bit protective of the former due to her young age and the air of vulnerability she had around her. Luckily, their trip to the foreign land didn't last too long and they soon returned to Earthland, with everyone safe and in generally good shape. The next couple of weeks were uneventful, as Joshua got used to being in the guild and enjoying the general chaos it's various members caused. While he interacted with various members and kept an eye out for it's younger members, namely Amelia, the member who stuck out the most to him was the Ice Dragon Slayer, Amaya, after he met her during a train ride to a mission he had taken. While initially not thinking much of her, something about the girl seemed to draw him to her and soon he found himself spending more time with her and getting to know of her and her past in concerns to her adoptive mother, the ice dragon Aurora. Joshua was able to sympathize with the loss of her home, even if he had lost his under very different circumstances and promised to help her find her 'mother' and that she need only to ask him for help if she ever needed it. During the Grand Magic Games, Joshua was not one of the main members of the team and mainly stayed on the sidelines for the entire affair. He did take part in one battle, a tag team battle for that matter, but his contribution to that whole affair was minimal and his team lost, a fact Joshua blames himself for and hates bringing up. Since then, Joshua has enjoyed a mostly peaceful life at the guild, doing missions to pull his weight and earn the money he needs to survive, while also helping out his guildmates as much as he can, especially Amaya and Amelia. He has for the most part abandoned his requip mangic and instead now focuses on a magic sword he had made specifically for him and now makes use of the sword and the lightning magic it grants him as his primary means of combat. Personality: If someone were to compare Joshua to an animal, some would likely draw comparisons between him and a wolf. While he is a strong and confident individual, he is most at home with a 'pack', valuing those he calls friends and possibly even family greatly. He will go to whatever lengths he needs to in order to protect his family, even if it means breaking his vow to not kill anyone he fights, for he would rather break that vow that see someone he cares about possibly pass away from this world. Among those in the guild, he is most protective of it's children members and the Ice Dragon Slayer, Amaya. In terms of the children members, especially the Sam and Elyse, it is a desire to see them grow safely and happily, knowing they will be the future generation after him. In the care for Amelia, it is simply to try and help her second chance at a normal life as free of conflict as possible. In regards to Amaya, his feelings a bit different. Even after two years, he oblivious to the reason he tries to stay near her and is more protective of her then any other member of the guild. He does not like seeing her get hurt or upset and will go further out of his way to help her and keep her happy then he will other members of the guild. To him, these are just natural actions for him to take but to everyone else, it is obvious he has a crush on her that he is simply oblivious of. Team Members: Frozen Lightning Member 1: Amaya VanIsis Member 2: Joshua Tamashii Member 3: Open Member 4: Open Three Strengths: 1. Expert Swordmans specializing in Iaido 2. Reliable and always willing to put forth his best 3. Adaptable to his circumstances Three Weaknesses: 1. Mostly a close to mid range fighter 2. Sometimes a little too blunt with others 3. Refuses to kill, even when it's the only option. Greatest Love: None really. He has interest but no great love for anything in particular Motivation: Redemption for a past sin he doesn't care to talk about Appearance: [Img]https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/20/29/55/71/5945f410.jpg[/img] Additional Details: There is a brand on the back of his left hand that he cares not to talk about. He'll avoid talking about it at all costs. [/hider] [hider=Pyrrha Arvanitis] Name: Pyrrha Arvanitis Age: 22 Magic: Fire Magic: Flames of Emotion: Pyrha's magic ties into her emotions and they effect it. The emotion she is most prone to is anger, causing her flames to be more explosive and cover massive areas with a single blast when he is her most livid. If she is calm enough, her flames can heal wounds rather then cause them, though it is very rare for this to happen. Even when enraged, Pyrrha has impressive control over her flames and can pull off stunts some would find impressive given her state of mind at the time. As of late, due to her crush on Jake, Pyrrha can access more powerful flames when emotions regarding him are involved. Anger over him getting hurt and jealousy if another girl is getting too close for her liking can cause more powerful offensive flames while love and concern for him tend to general tender, healing flames. Magic Level: B-S History: Born in a vast woodlands to the east of Fiore, Pyrrha's life could be explained as average at best, at least among her kind. Her parents ran a general goods store, making just enough money to keep the business open while supporting themselves and their daughter, sometimes with the support of the small but close community of elves. For her part, Pyrrha was a troublesome girl, always getting into fights and causing general trouble. Some of her friends called her a boy rather then a girl due to her shear tomboyishness and Pyrrha took this as a compliment and accepted it with no small amount of pride. When Pyrra was seventeen, a fire swept through the area and bandits took advantage of it to attack the village and it's people as they fled to escape the flames. During the chaos then ensued, Pyrrha was separated from her partents and surrounded by some of the villagers attackers, who debated on wether it was best to kill her, sell her, or keep her for themselves, with many in favor of the latter two due to the girl being an elf. Before they could decide, thy were blasted aside by a wave of earth and a man stepped into view, his eyes lit with fury and one arm reflecting the flames off it's metal surface. The man tore through the bandits, decimating their ranks like a one man army, earth and flames being shot at his opponents in equal measure. Pyrrha watched the scene in fascination, hypnotized by her saviors movements and overwhelming power as he gave no quarter to the raiders and didn't allow a single one of to escape his wrath. When all was said and done, the man approached her while still covered in cuts and blood, both his own the of the bandits, and offered his help in searching for survivors. Accepting, the two searched for hours and only found a few members of the village, though both of Pyrrha's parents had perished. Angered, Pyrrha demanded that the man train her so she could fight like him and help those in need. Seeing the fire in her eyes, the man agreed. Two years of brutal training in both swordsmanship and magic and Pyrrha was a force to be reckoned with in her own right. She had also grown incredibly close to her master, Fraquar Alinstar, and followed him everywhere, even after he said she no longer needed his guidance. Because of this devotion, she joined a Dark guild consisting of several powerful mages who all had some sort of run in with the law. The group was only loosely assembled and had no clear set goal other then to pursue their ideals and objectives with the support, and more then a little sabotage, from the others. Eventually, Fraquar broke off from the leader of this group and rebelled, with Pyrrha joined him within moments of the fight starting, along with fellow member Lucus Griffonbane. The fight eneded in their victory and after a few legal hurdles they came together with a few other mages to make the guild Rider's Blade, which made it's existence known through the Grand Magic games. During the games, Pyrrha found herself spending time at the Dragon Fang hotel often, as Fraquar and Master Jack seemed to get along well and often hung out after the events of the day. While there, Pyrrha met the paladin Jake and began to spend some time with him. Even after the games ended, she would drop by the Dragon Fang guild hall to see him on a more then frequent basis. Sometime shortly after the Grand Magic Games, since Lucus had left the guild to stay with his family in Pheonix Wing and Pyrrha was obviously spending more time at Dragon Fang to spend more time with Jake. Fraquar did this without telling her and only after he got Master Jack's word that he would look after her. Over the past two years, she has come to get to know her other guild members and gotten closer to Jake, even moving into his house and living with him. Personality: Hotheaded, rash, and always eager to pick a fight but capable of being care, gentle, and protective, Pyrrha is the embodiment of what makes fire both deadly and welcome in most homes. A driven individual, Pyrrha will take on any challenge given to her and tackle it head one, completely unconcerned with the danger that might be involved. When she is calm or need to keep her head, Pyrrha's normally brash manner disappears and she can take any insult or challenge with the appropriate reaction. Though she can still lose her temper quickly, it would take a major insult or her being in the heat of battle for her to do so, and when she snaps, she snaps with fury. Pyrrha is closest to Jake, even more so then she had been to her previous master, Fraquar Alinstar. He is the only person she allows to see the most vulnerable sides of herself, the sides that worry about many things, from her place in the world as a member of a race that can live for a very long time to how she might come across as womanly when she wants to be to her appearance. Team Members: Jake Three Strengths: 1. Expert Swordswoman: Pyrrha knows her way around a sword and favors a straight forward, aggressive style of combat, favoring a hand-and-a-half sword that she can wield with one or both hands. 2. Massive Power: Pyrrha's power can be massive when she is angry enough and she is capable of massive destruction. 3. Loyal to her Guild: Pyrrha is incredible loyal to her guild and will do anything she can to protect and assist them. She will never betray them and will stand her ground to the very end if it means their safety. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Reckless and headstrong: Pyrrha's anger and passion can cause her to act recklessly and put herself in a lot of danger at times. Her stubbornness makes her refuse to get out of these situations as well. 2. Variable power: If someone can keep Pyrrha calm, her magic is relatively weak and she is only capable of average spell power. 3. Jake: As much as he can give her strength, Jake can also possibly be called Pyrrha's greatest weakness. If it means his safety, she is willing to compromise her ideals or go through any ordeal if it means she can be with him safely at the end of the day. In other words, if they use him as leverage, the enemy has complete control over Pyrrha. Greatest Love: Jake Motivation: To live a happy life with Jake. Appearance: [img]https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/20/29/55/71/51defd10.jpg[/img] Additional Details: [/hider] [hider=Elyse Griffonbane] Name: Elyse Griffonbane Age: 6 Magic: Water Magic Magic Level: E History: The daughter of Lucus and Rose Griffonbane, Elyse has led a largely typical life for a child of a member of a mage's guild. She's been surrounded by people and those who might come to care and protect her. She in turn has known everyone in the guild for as long as either she's been alive or as long as they have been members. This helped compensate for the giant hole in her life which was her missing father. At the time of her birth, Elyse's parents were separated and while her mother did all she could to make up for his absence, it was not enough to really fill in the hole completely. That changed two years ago, when her father finally came back into their lives, rather unexpectedly. It was not an easy thing, as her mother greatly hated her father for being away for so long, and Elyse also felt something akin to resentment but she couldn't really understand the feeling. Regardless, she was happy to finally spend time with her father and to get to know the man. Over the past two years, the family has gotten closer and Elyse is more than happy to be with her father. As of late, she has taken to learning magic, in particular water magic. Since no one in the guild of Phoenix Wing knew water magic of any kind, she has taken to pestering the guild member Amelia Averyonna to have her water spirit teacher her. The lessons are... going reasonably well. Personality: Sweet and innocent, Elyse is your typical child. She was energetic and curious to a fault, but very shy and unwilling to approach others without her mother around. Like all children, she loves attention and sweets but hates it when things don't go her way, though she has been taught to deal with this and do what she's told. Elyse also loves water and enjoys swimming and baths. She also has an immense fear of lightning and the dark. Team Members: none Three Strengths: Non-combatant Three Weaknesses: none-combatant Greatest Love: Her mother and father Motivation: Whatever interest her at the time. Appearance: [img]https://i21.servimg.com/u/f21/20/29/55/71/275d5f10.jpg[/img] [/hider]