[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595768800624902248/800243546665123860/header.png[/img] [h3]District V[/h3] [@SSW] [@Yukitamas] [@Yankee] [hr] [/center] The woman opposite him shrugs, lightly shifting her shoulders. [color=bc8dbf]"Suit yourself."[/color] Saying it like that, it carries a different weight to it; her words do not have the same light manner as her motion, or the words. Really, that's the kind of thing that could be said right before you shot a man. That's to say, she could've said "Your funeral." in the same way, with the same tone, with the same cadence, and it wouldn't sound at all incorrect. Right out, she's decided she does not like this man. It is nothing about him in particular. It is nothing, quite, that he's said, or done. There's no reason to be upset at someone in a war for attempting to strike the first blow. Perhaps it's just that she, in a way, finds his tone wrong. Perhaps it's that she sees someone like that attack her - after she went out of her way! - as something pitiable. Maybe he's just too dour, too 'not her type'. Well----- It doesn't make a difference, because that kind of thing wouldn't change anything for her. She's certain that, even if she found him charming outright, she could shatter every bone in his body without wincing once. That's the kind of person she is; a troubleshooter. Her motion is not 'just barely faster than a human', as his is. The difference between them is clear in the first step - the gap is demonstrated in just that first motion. Without observation, one would be confused - it would look like a trick of the light. She is a step from where she began, having shifted her feet. The snow, apparently, is no match for her ability to walk to the side. It is correct, then, to say that her ability is much closer to 'just barely beyond the [i]bounds[/i] of human.' Her smile disappears as she moves on him, now. Her boots do not sink into the snow; why is that? All of her facial expressions disappear. It is not that the 'go hard, like she is made of stone', nor is it that 'she puts on a mask', or anything along those lines. It is that she, simply, does not feel anything in this moment of motion. Her hands are up, now, as she shifts forwards towards him. It's a difficult situation, she believes; he has an absolute advantage at range, but as soon as this advantage is gone, she ought crush him with ease. She commits herself to this directly. She is, without a single doubt, faster than he is. ... She is wary, still. There's no way anyone is this stupid. That's what she's thinking; there is absolutely no way this person is so stupid as to do something like this without a deeper plan, trap, or gambit waiting. She swerves her body at a wider angle. She doesn't want to get too far from Caster, either, but she's certain that he doesn't have the time or distance to get her there. The question, then, she's working on is this. 'What is the nature of the fight I am in?' If this is fight in the nature of 'physical might' or 'personal skill', she is certain she can surpass him. If it isn't that nature, what trick does he have to alter the scale? If that's the case, what can she do to make this fight within one of her strongpoints again? Thought does not beget hesitation. After all, even if he has some other plan, she's faster than him, and moving through the snow is easy. Many men who thought themselves clever die to people who are, in fact, simply stronger. She can consider the possibilities and stay wary while pressing closer to his personal space, rushing him down all at once.