[CENTER][COLOR=GRAY][SUB][sub][h3][I]We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.[/I][/h3][/sub][/SUB][/COLOR] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vtNDce0.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [COLOR=black][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Gotham Docks[/I] - [I]Bleake Island, Gotham City[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Welcome to the Masquerade #1.01:[/b] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]False Faces[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][color=black][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/color] [INDENT][color=#808080]The beeping of the reversing truck echoed between the warehouses as it backed down the pier towards the awaiting idle vessel. Several of the ship’s crew stood on the stern of the small trawler, weapons firmly held at the ready as they watched the approaching vehicle slow to a stop.[/color] [color=#808080]Within the cab of the truck, the occupants did a last minute inspection of their firearms as the stout man in the back was the first to make a move to exit the vehicle. Taking hold of the door handle, he felt a firm hand take hold of his shoulder, causing him to pause before turning his head to look back at his associates.[/color] “What?”[color=#808080] He snapped, [/color]“Boss wants this over with.” “Boss also insisted we wear these.”[color=#808080] The other man replied as he extended an elephant mask towards the man.[/color] “What the hell man?”[color=#808080] The large man snapped before looking towards the remaining masks in the other man’s hands, [/color]“Give me the tiger one!” “Boss specifically said you’re the elephant.”[color=#808080] The driver interjected, [/color]“He was quite adamant that everyone wears their specified mask.”[color=#808080] He added, reaching towards the tiger before putting it on. [/color] “Fuckin’ fine then,”[color=#808080] The first man snarled as he pulled on the mask. [/color]“Everyone happy now? ‘Tiny’ Pete’s a big, fat,[i] fuckin’[/i] elephant.” “[i]Ecstatic[/i].”[color=#808080] The Tiger replied dryly as the Wolf and the Stork stifled a few chuckles beneath their masks.[/color] “Could we move along then?” “Zat’s what I was trying to do in the first[i] fuckin’[/i] place.”[color=#808080] Muttered the Elephant as he climbed out of the cabin and moved towards the rear of the truck and opened the cargo door. The dark interior of the vehicle was illuminated by the lights dotting the docks as the silver `Wayne` logo on each of the cases reflected the light along their metallic surfaces. [/color] “Glad to see everyone took the time to put on their game faces.”[color=#808080] A voice called from behind the Elephant-masked man as the Tiger turned his head towards the source.[/color] “Still on time though, Mr. White.”[color=#808080] The Tiger exclaimed, his tone friendly as he swung his arms open, motioning towards the shipment in the back of the truck with his weapon.[/color] “Straight from Wayne/Sionis’ R&D department, courtesy of the False Face Society.” “Go check it out,”[color=#808080] White ordered to the man on his right as he straightened his leather suit jacket.[/color] “Ensure we’re getting what we’re paying for, and hurry!” [color=#808080]He called after the man in the white suit, [/color]“I ain’t got all damn night.” [color=#808080]Jumping from the aft of the trawler to the dock, the tall, dark-skinned man landed softly on the wooden planks before adjusting his large sunglasses as he walked towards the four masked men.[/color] “[i]Holy fuck![/i]”[color=#808080] The Stork muttered as he leaned towards the Wolf, [/color]“That’s the [i]fuckin’ Tally Man[/i], what’s he doing with Warren White?” “Warren’s a shark and money talks, especially in a city like Gotham.”[color=#808080] The Wolf replied in a hushed tone, [/color]“And the Tally Man [i]always[/i] gets paid.” “And don’t you clowns forget it,”[color=#808080] The ‘Tally Man’ flatly stated as he approached the open truck. Motioning towards the cases, he spoke again, [/color]“Open them.” “Easy with the accusations there, amigo. We don’t run with the Jokerz.”[color=#808080] The Tiger retorted before nodding towards the Elephant. Obliging, the larger man pulled the first case forward, lifting it with a loud grunt.[/color] “My sincerest apologies,”[color=#808080] The Tally Man dryly replied as he looked towards the case, watching as the Elephant lifted the lid. Lining the padded interior were numerous vials of fentanyl, bound initially for hospitals all across the Eastern seaboard, it would now instead be distributed back on Gotham’s streets for profit. [/color] “Twenty-nine more cases in the truck?” [color=#808080]The cowl had picked up every word as Terry remained crouched over the edge of the nearby warehouse, watching, listening and waiting for his moment to strike. He and Bruce had been watching Warren White’s activity for the past week. The former financer had begun making aggressive moves in Gotham’s underworld. This outing was his largest show of force yet, but Terry and Bruce were betting on it being his last.[/color] [b][color=#FF3B2D]“You get all that?”[/color][/b][color=#808080] The Batman asked as he spoke through the communications channel open in his cowl.[/color] [b][color=#44688C]“Every word.”[/color][/b][color=#808080] Came Bruce’s gravelly reply. [/color][b][color=#44688C]“Take them down.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#FF3B2D]“On it,”[/color][/b][color=#808080] Terry replied, tapping the center of the suit’s belt as the dark figure disappeared, camouflaging perfectly with its surroundings. Landing silently on the pier, the Batman approached the scene as the two groups were busy unloading the remainder of the truck’s contents.[/color] “I’ll want you to ensure every case has what we were promised,”[color=#808080] Warren White’s voice could be heard ordering over the din. Acknowledging the order, the Tally Man nodded, rolling his eyes beneath the thick sunglasses adorning his face. Opening a second case, he nodded his head before closing it and moving onto the next one.[/color] “We should hurry this up,”[color=#808080] The Tiger spoke up as he placed the container down in front of the man in the white suit.[/color] “This is night in [i]fuckin’[/i] Gotham after all.” “Are you worried about the Bat?”[color=#808080] White spoke up, a smug smile crossing his face. [/color]“He won’t be a problem, I left a[i] present[/i] for him in the North End, sent some of my guys to Burnley to keep him off our back.” [b][color=#FF3B2D]“Actually,”[/color][/b][color=#808080] A voice interjected from the shadows,[/color][b][color=#FF3B2D] “I gave them the rest of the night off.”[/color][/b][color=#808080] The words were followed by something flying through the darkness as it struck Warren square in the chest. The air left the corrupt man’s lungs as his feet were lifted off the ground, bolas wrapping around him as he was restrained.[/color] [INDENT]“Batman!” [CENTER]“It’s the fuckin’ Bat!”[/CENTER] [RIGHT]“Batman’s here!”[/RIGHT] [CENTER]“Look out, it’s the Bat!”[/CENTER] “Shoot him!”[/INDENT] [color=#808080]Tapping his belt again, the Batman vanished before their eyes as they began to discharge their weapons in every direction. Sliding along the ground, Batman took ahold of the rifle closest to him, using it to hurl the Stork masked man into the air. Ripping the firearm free of his grasp, Batman spun around, driving the butt of the automatic weapon into the stomach of the Elephant. [/color] [color=#808080]Moving swiftly, Batman fired several batarangs from the wrist-mounted launcher on his suit. The projectiles flew through the air before hitting their marks as the Tiger was the first to cry out in pain. His gun clattered to the ground loudly as blood ran down either side of his impaled hand. Jumping up, the Batman delivered a sharp kick to the man’s head watching him fall to the ground.[/color] [color=#808080]Suddenly a hiss escaped from between Terry’s pursed lips as his right arm was struck with sudden pain. The Tally Man had gotten a lucky shot off, the bullet hitting Batman in the arm as his suit distributed the force of the blow over its surface, minimizing its impact. It hadn’t broken through the suit, but that did little to reduce the pain he was currently feeling.[/color] [color=#808080]The gun went off again, this time, however, Batman was ready as he evaded the Tally Man’s shots. Releasing a batarang from his hand, the weapon struck the Tally Man’s gun, knocking the firearm free of his grasp. His gaze followed the handgun into the air, the Tally Man turned his head at the last second, his vision filled by a closed fist as the Batman delivered a hard hook to the hitman. Dropping the man to the ground, Terry kicked the gun away as he surveyed the scene around him. [/color] [b][color=#44688C]“Where’s the Wolf?”[/color][/b][color=#808080] Wayne’s voice asked as Terry counted the felled men before him again. The old man was right, they were one short. Suddenly the truck’s engine roared to life as Terry spun around too late to react as the vehicle peeled off, heading back towards Old Gotham.[/color] [b][color=#44688C]“Worry about him later,”[/color][/b][color=#808080] Wayne growled in a tone that Terry knew was going to involve a lecture later. [b][color=#44688C]“Ensure White and the others are taken into custody, I’ll let Gordon know where he can pick them up.”[/color][/b][/color] [b][color=#FF3B2D]“Copy that, and the fentanyl?”[/color][/b][color=#808080] Terry asked. [/color] [b][color=#44688C]“I’ll make sure Gordon knows it’s accounted for as well.”[/color][/b][/INDENT][/INDENT][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][sub][COLOR=#2c2c2c]Placeholder[/color][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Next Issue:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4889969][COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Growing Pains[/I][/COLOR][/url][/right][/SUP][/color][/INDENT]