[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210103/5aecb3d822bde34fea53a3d786b93e70.png[/img][/center] She wasn’t used to it. For Denise, her New York mornings were a tad chaotic; a stark comparison to the last few days. The stillness and quiet was somewhat unnerving simply because it left her alone with her thoughts. But as with most things, it was only a matter of time before she got used to it. Of course, by then, she’d probably be heading back to the city. That would be her luck. "Honey, breakfast's ready!" That was her Auntie Helen calling her downstairs. That too was something she wasn't used to. She did eat home-cooked meals as Lydia, her parents' personal aide, cooked more often than not. However, here, nobody paid her aunt to prepare a meal, and Denise loved this new, yet familiar, ambiance. She got up from the guest bed, that which was surprisingly comfortable. [color=BA7391]"Be down in a sec!"[/color] She looked around for a minute, not being able to find the clothes she had picked out the previous night. Denise knew for a fact she had prepared her outfit. It was her first day of school and she did not want to be late amongst other things. She wasn't going to be [I]that[/I] individual. [color=BA7391]"Damn, where are my clothes?"[/color] Denise cursed under her breath, slightly worried that her grandmother may be listening in on her even though the door was closed. But she really respected her and valued her opinion. She always did whenever she was around her. [color=BA7391]"There you are!"[/color] She had looked inside the closet and found them there amongst some of her other belongings, but the girl could have sworn she had hung them behind the door the previous night. Denise simply shrugged her shoulders, hurrying up the process so she could go downstairs. It would be her first morning there without her parents, though they were barely present back in New York so it didn't make much of a difference. Eventually, Denise emerged from the bedroom and headed downstairs to meet her relatives. She was hungry, there was no denying the fact, but her smile faded when she entered the kitchen. Her aunt's smile faded just as quickly. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd change it up today with your parents being gone and all." Helen grabbed the small towel that was draped over her shoulder and began wiping down the counter space in front of her. [color=BA7391]"Oh, it's fine,"[/color] she forced a smile, [color=BA7391]"I'm just lactose intolerant."[/color] Denise was hungry, but there was no way she was eating that grilled cheese before school. She couldn't blame her aunt, it's not like she knew. [color=BA7391]"Listen, don't worry about it. You can have the extra grilled cheese and I'll just grab something on the go."[/color] "Oh honey, are you sure?" Denise smiled, walking up to her aunt and giving her a quick kiss on her cheek. [color=BA7391]"Absolutely. See you after school!"[/color] Denise didn't give her much of a chance to respond and walked towards the front door. Her grandmother usually joined them for breakfast and she would have said her goodbyes to her as well, but she figured she was busy. Once she closed the front door, Denise put in her headphones and began walking to school.