[center] [i]Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…[/i][/center] [center][img]https://cdn-media.threadless.com/challenges/thor_mainbanner_1.jpg[/img][/center] [right][b]THE SKIES // TEXAS // MIDGARD[/b][/right] There was a time when Thor had not answered prayers, such thoughts plagued his mind as the thunder rolled through the skies of Midgard. In the time before, when Asgard was but one of the many Pantheons interacting with Midgard, he had only cared for very little. The young(er) Godling, so tired of his training, so tired of the rules of Asgard and off his father, had turned his back on them and journeyed to Midgard. He couldn’t remember all the women he bedded and it was even less likely he could remember the foes he felled. The question often raised was ‘why had he killed?’. He wished that he could say it was due to some form of noble sacrifice, but instead it had been for the thrill. The raw power, the idea that the men he faced on the battlefield. Well, their lives were in his hands. There was a reason Thor had not been worthy of Mjolnir in the age of vikings, and even now he could still feel Mjolnir weigh heavy in his hand at the mere thought of it. Now he had a different purpose. [right][b]NOXVILLE // TEXAS // MIDGARD[/b][/right] In the skies above the playground dark clouds billowed and roared in the distance, lightning danced behind them illuminating the sky. Had anyone truly been paying attention they may have even sworn that a figure moved through those clouds. Instead, all focus was on a group of boys surrounding one lonely girl, small and blonde tears ran down her face despite all her resolve, and courage. [color=#c9daf8]“-Shut up that’s not true!”[/color] [color=#d9ead3]“Ah-huh. My Dad told me so, your dad is one of those [i]freaks[/i], what do you call them? Muties. Hear he even prays to Thor and Wonder Woman.”[/color] The lead bully outstretched his hand and pushed the girl by her shoulder, hard enough to knock her back however she was strong. She stayed on her feet. [color=#b6d7a8]“I bet that’s why he’s not here today, too ashamed to show his mutie face.”[/color] Two of the kids gave each other another high five. In the background the parents stood watching on, some of the kids looked back as the girl burst into tears, worried that one of the parents or guardians brought today might move to intervene. Lucky for them nobody was going to help the daughter of one of those [i]Woken[/i] freaks. Believed that Thor and all his Asgard buddies were actual Gods and started to worship them instead of the one true God. Just before the children could let loose another string of insults and abuse the school bell rang. Everyone moved inside the school as raindrops began to fall. Everyone except one scared little girl who stood alone crying. She wasn’t alone for long as two heavy feet landed beside her. Thor placed Mjolnir on the ground between them, kneeling as he placed a hand on her shoulder. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Are you alright child?”[/color][/b] The girl recoiled slightly and gasped. [i][color=#c9daf8]“T...T...Thor?”[/color][/i] The God of Thunder merely nodded. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Aye. I was on my return to Asgard when I heard your prayers.”[/color][/b] The girl looked confused. [color=#c9daf8]“I didn’t say any prayers sir-”[/color] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Call me Thor, as your people would say. The All-Father was my sire.”[/color][/b] Thor did his best to give a reassuring smile. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“You may not have knowingly called out to me, but us Gods are a strange bunch and so I am here to help. Tell me your name child, and what would you have me do?”[/color][/b] The girl smiled at school in what had felt like the first time in years. [color=#c9daf8]“My names Alison. My Daddy couldn’t come to school today and it is bring a parent or guardian to school day, I know your busy but could you-”[/color] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“It would be my honour, Alison.”[/color][/b] The two of them walked into school, through the hallway. The Janitor dropped his mop as they passed, Hope reached and opened the door walking into the classroom. The [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/c/cd/Arthur_Blackwood_%28Earth-616%29_from_Thor_Vol_1_330_0001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190814173711]teacher[/url] turned to face her ignoring the man dressed as a mechanic that was standing at the front of the class. [b][color=#dd7e6b]“Excuse me, Miss Blaire but if you can’t be bothered to arrive on time for my lesson then I suggest that someone of your [i]nature[/i] would be best spending their time-”[/color][/b] Thor turned through the door and the whole classroom went quiet, from the teacher to the group of children and parents that had been whispering and sniggering among themselves at the back of the classroom, working his way through the door Alison moved towards her desk and signaled for Thor to join her. The teacher just grimaced as the Asgardian made his way through the room. The reactions of those in attendance were mixed, several of the cellular communication devices that humans coveted so much were already out taking photos of the Asgardian. As Thor moved to make his way to join Alison the teacher spoke up again. [b][color=#dd7e6b]“Excuse me. Uh, [i]Thor?[/i]”[/color][/b] Thor turned to the teacher, he did his best to ignore the venom in the mortals voice instead, Thor faced him with a smile. A genuine smile, that a Grandfather might offer a Grandson who had broken rules he didn’t understand. The teacher stepped forward and offered his hand in the gesture of ‘shaking hands’. [b][color=#dd7e6b]“Mr. Blackwood, I’m Miss Blaire’s teacher. I appreciate you coming down here, though I am afraid this talk is for parents and guardians only.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Hail friend Blackwood. I would be honored to speak, for I am truly a Guardian to Alice and to all. Guardian of all the nine realms as my duty as Prince of Asgard and Odinson. Your S.H.I.E.L.D has also appointed me Avenger-”[/color][/b] He turned to face the class as he twirled Mjolnir in his hand. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“-and the strongest Avenger.”[/color][/b] There were one or two laughs from that, as well as a couple of people scoffing muttering to themselves. Those he ignored. Should someone wish to challenge his claim, they could do it to his face. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“It is these duties that bring me here on this day, to speak to the next generation of heroes and leaders on behalf of Alice.”[/color][/b] He smiled at Blackwood. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“As such I shall await my turn quietly, Stark has shown me enough of your television productions to know the correct way to behave in these situations.”[/color][/b] Thor would never admit it to the self-centered industrialist, but Starks’s plan for Thor to ‘modernize’ himself slightly through the use of television and radio had worked. Or so he thought. Blackwood grimaced.[b][color=#dd7e6b] “Fine. Should you wish to stay, please speak first-”[/color][/b] He turned to the mechanic that was just stood at the front during all of this.[b][color=#dd7e6b] “Apologies Mr.Thorn.” [/color][/b]He turned back to the Prince of Asgard, the so-called God.[b][color=#dd7e6b] “I just feel it’s for the best, you are causing a disruption in my class and the last thing we need is a supervillain tearing up the school or a media circus outside. I’m sure you can understand.”[/color][/b] Thor nodded. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“Aye.”[/color][/b] Walking to the front of the class he placed Mjolnir down on the floor and stepped back.[b][color=#a4c2f4] “Forgive me, for this is my first time doing this.” [/color][/b]He looked out at the rest of the class. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“I am Thor, Odinson. Prince to Asgard and protector of the nine realms. Including Midgard, this world you call home, which is why I am an Avenger, the strongest Avenger. Now, what would you like to know?”[/color][/b]