[hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bastille-vredeburg-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210120/aed880a007384614dd1e5150642bf5a1.png[/img][/url] [color=8FA4CA]— [color=#918ABB][b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b][/color] —[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/97CC8si.gif[/img] [color=8FA4CA][sup][b]Location:[/b] The Big House => The Cabins - Camp Half-Blood; New York.[/sup] [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Dorian Underwood ([@King Kindred]), Elias Schneider ([@Metztli]), Greyson Davies & Tyler Rumancek ([@Moro]), Kyrin Nahng ([@Rodiak]), and Spencer McNight ([@Zenritch]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#B7B7B7]"Erin, wait up!"[/color] [color=#918ABB]"..n-no..!"[/color] Shaking her head, quickly, Erin pressed on. Pushing herself just that little bit faster as she hurried away from the Big House, and the freak of a redhead that lived in the attic. The ranga bitch was worse than vermin; and she had her doubts that even an exterminator could rid them of the pest that had sent Gods knew how many people straight into the face of danger. For what end though, she didn't know. What she did know, however, was that she didn't want to stop. What was the point in doing that..? It just defeated the whole purpose of what she was actually trying to achieve, which, at that very moment, was to keep going on the path she was currently travelling on. Distance was all that mattered. Putting one foot in front of the other was the [i]only[/i] sure way to escape to the safety that came with her cabin. Hell, if there was a way for her to escape responsibility altogether, she'd fucking take it. Though... she was pretty sure that her current persuers wouldn't allow that to happen... ..stupid meddling assholes... they were worse than Scooby-Doo... Stopped dead in her tracks mid-step, the gentle warmth of another's hand taking hold of hers enough to catch hold of her attention, Erin turned it back and over her shoulder. Her long locks of dark hair whipping across as she drew her gaze up to meet with that of the man that had managed to catch up. Her darkly painted lips parting ever slightly from one another; her eyes continued to glisten with tears that had both fallen and were left unshed. Leaving her glad, only slightly, that she'd long ago switched to water-proof mascara. The last thing she needed was to look anymore pathetic and weak in front of them than she already did. It was already killing her to know that they saw her in such a vulnerable state, but... why..? Why couldn't they just understand..? All she wanted to do was disappear... She'd seen that dark place- she'd been there before, and now, all she wanted was to greet it again in peace. To not have such a big circus made out of the fact that, for her, it was the end. She'd always known anyway that she was destined to be alone... what was the difference if she was left alone in that dark place that not only robbed you of all your senses, but that also replaced it with paralizing fear..? Hell... that place was an old friend for her... [color=#918ABB]"..S-Spence..."[/color] [color=662d91]"I don't know what that oracle told you, but are you really just going to give up like that? Accept death like it's a minor inconvenience that you can't escape from?"[/color] [color=#918ABB]"..I-..."[/color] But her words were cut short before she'd even had the chance to really get them out. His own words drawing across and drowning out her soft voice; and the longer he went on, the worse she felt. Her heart sinking in her chest; guilt riddled her from the core out. Clawing at her insides, and the fresh onslaught of tears that overflowed just couldn't seemed to be helped. He was calling her out... and-... As the very sound of her full name being used, mixed with a tone that was so full of determination- so full of conviction, Erin dropped her head. Her eyes shutting tightly as she looked away. She wasn't like him- she wasn't like any of them. They were all so strong... so how could he claim that she was, when it was more than clear that she wasn't..? That at any moment, she felt like her knees were going to give way, and she was going to collapse in on herself. She'd known from the begginning that it would break her... that all this was just too good to be true... [color=662d91]"They thought you were weak and easy to pin the blame on... in fact they are probably betting you would fail, give up, go sit in a corner and die like you're doing right now in order to sweep the mess they've gotten themselves in under the rug. So do yourself a favor... go on this quest and prove them that it is a grave mistake to bet against a daughter of the underworld."[/color] [color=#918ABB]"..I-... I-I'm not-..."[/color] [color=54626f]"He's right, Erin. You're not alone. Not anymore. You have us, and we will help you."[/color] Lifting her head back up Kyrin's voice hit her ears, drawing for her attention, she met her gaze to his. She wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what he'd see. The fear- the absolute terror sitting quietly just behind her eyes; slowly taking its time to erode away more and more of the woman she used to be. The one she'd been so open and honest with him about... the one he understood. And it was like he was reading her mind before the thoughts even had time to form in her own conscience. [color=54626f]"It's okay to be afraid."[/color] [i]It was okay to be afraid...[/i] Yeah... she was afraid. For the love of Zeus; she was downright scared shitless. It had the normally steady beat of her heart surpassing the natural beat; and the fear itself was doing strange things to her. She herself, was shutting down, in the worst of ways and she knew that; but the fear... the fear had her awake. Alert and on edge, and in a place she'd never wanted to go back to ever again. It was taunting her, and it would just continue to do so until, in one way or another, the whole situation came to a head, [color=#918ABB]"..I-I don't want to die..."[/color] Hand slipping from Spencer's hold, confussion adding to the already vast mix of emotions that were playing out both mentally and physically with her rather susceptible state, Erin's attention was drawn up. Her dark eyes following the familiar line of her cousin's figure; her darkly painted lips parting slightly at the seam as she met and held his gaze. And for once, she didn't bother to hide the fact that she might have been happy, even if the tiniest bit, to see him- she couldn't bring herself to do it. She just... didn't have the energy, [color=#918ABB]"..Grey..."[/color] [color=#3EA99F][b]"Sorry guys, but I really must insist on agreeing with Kyrin. It's prob'ly best we go somewhere private to talk. This out-in-the-open business is only going to make matters worse for her. Just the few of us is enough,"[/b][/color] The nudge, however gentle it was, was enough to get her feet moving underneath her; though his steady arm resting heavily over her shoulders for support - whether hers or his own, she wasn't sure - had her continuing over the path that led the remainder of the way back to her cabin. Movement catching in the corner of her eye, however, had her attention falling away as she glanced to her side. Noting now that, as the group continued to move, it seemed to also grow as Elias' figure had appeared among the escort she'd managed to pick up. Her stomach twisted sickeningly as her mind drew back to her very first day in the camp. The similarities were astounding- hell... Greyson had been apart of that envoy too... when she'd been handed over to the demigods at the boarder... [color=#3EA99F][b]"Come on, Erin. Let's get you back to your cabin, love."[/b][/color] Gods, she felt sick... Hand lifting, pure muscle memory at this point as her mind continued to dwell on memories she'd rather leave burried deep and locked away, Erin was the first, aside from her cousin to cross the threshold. The door left wide for the others as she shuffled towards the lounge. Letting her gaze wander for a moment, it was the soft though familiar bubbling of her kettle drawing to a boil that had her looking towards the kitchen, and the familiar figure that stood in it. Once more being bugged by her cat, however, as Salem caught wind that his owner had returned, the feline dropped silently from the counter. Rather quickly closing the gap between them before rubbing it's face against the side of her leg; moving then onto the others that she'd brought with her with curiosity. [color=#918ABB]"..I-... w-we have guests... many... guests..."[/color]