[quote=@Sep] So my question here is: Why did everyone (that isn't new/making someone new) decide to take a go at these characters again? Why bring them back? [/quote] Echoing a lot of what Wraith is saying, I'm also pretty nostalgic for UOU, and clearly several of us are, if the characters section is any indication. That was my first one of these superhero sandbox games we tend to do, and at the time to me it felt like we had caught and bottled lightning. It felt like everyone involved was writing at their A-game, culminating in an incredible end to a wonderful season... And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to relive the glory days a little. This is a chance for Uni and me to settle some unfinished business from UOU with the finale of my first Vig arc and crossover with Uni's Punisher. I remember hyping myself up for it at the time, but unfortunately, Season 2 of UOU ended up petering out before we could get there. Even if it's nearly three years down the line, I'm very excited for the opportunity to bring this crossover to fruition. Plus, eventually, we'll get to do the Question / Dog Welder crossover we've always dreamed of. And then there's Spider-Man! I'm really passionate about my Spidey story, but unfortunately, the game I got to do it in has since passed us by. I try not to repeat characters in those sandbox games, so it's nice to get back in the saddle without taking the spider out of the kiddie pool, as it were. And in this setting, it feels like there's less pressure to post which will hopefully be a boon for my productivity.