[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNlZjU4Zi5SWEpwY3lCVFlXMWhaV3csLjQA/mafakanev.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] The countess must have read his mind, because there she was again, laying it out on old Benicio. The thought of both mage lovers disliking one another pleased him to no end, even if this time he was just a touch confused on this attack in particular. Why, were he the type to clutch his pearls, he might've been offended that the countess would even utter a word against Princess Ryner's security! But now it was obvious to Eris that Miss Holier-Than-Thou was only playing the part of the concerned noble: all she wanted to do was lay it thicker on Benson. Disappointing, but definitely entertaining. Too bad he couldn't comment on Sunny, but he had already been told off for being too soft on him. Oh well. But something the Countess said had given Benji an odd look. Probably confusion--and for once Eris couldn't blame him cause he wasn't sure which incident the countess was talking about--and of course Eris couldn't just let that go. Putting a strong tap at the base of his glass, Eris leaned forward a little, feigning confusion for a second before straightening up. [color=ccff99]"I believe you're mistaken with the shuffle of Eves, Countess,"[/color] Eris said, holding up a finger. [color=ccff99]"Let me think...I believe you may be confusing Count Eve with the other male Count Eve, I believe his name was...Ikelos. Hm."[/color] Holding up a finger, he reorganized the timeline in his head. [color=ccff99]"First was Countess Arianna, second was Ma--no, Ikelos was second, but he was [i]replaced[/i],"[/color] Eris held up a second finger, correcting himself. [color=ccff99]"Countess Mariette was present for the arrest [i]and[/i] the string of--I see now, I apologize, my timeline was off."[/color] He lied, chuckling. [color=ccff99]"But I don't think the countess is aware that the count was not present for any of the happenings the school has had the misfortune of experiencing. We can't very well put blame on the count, can we?"[/color] Eris looked at Amaris, raising an eyebrow. [color=ccff99]"Unless you have reason to doubt the count?"[/color] He slowly asked. [color=ccff99]"I have to agree with Count Sinnenodel, you seem particularly peeved for someone of your station to be so concerned."[/color] A little too much? Probably. But if he wasn't here to sow chaos then he may as well have stayed home and caught up on his soap opera. And he'd be damned if he had to go home empty handed. [/indent][hr] [sub][right][/right][/sub]