Arn felt the stare that Tyrhallan shot his way. The mage felt a bit of shame at not disclosing all the information but he knew that if any one, the Knight Captain would understand. The shame increased when the silver haired superior expressed his own apologies. As a person who considered a weapon and nothing more, the mage felt that whomever he entrusted his powers to, could use him in any way. The Captain had done nothing in Arn’s book to warrant an apology. However, the senior mage understood the burden of leadership. Victory is often a price paid in lives. Many did not know this but the reason Arn had refused command was because deep down in inside he was afraid to send people to their deaths. He could barter with his life with no issue, but the thought of even asking someone to die by his command did not sit well with the battle mage. This was the reason he was usually one of the first in the fray, trying to eliminate as many threats to give the rest of the Shooting Stars a higher survival rate. He wanted to protest the apology but knew that Tyrhallan would hear none of it. Instead, he nodded his acknowledgement that he would be required to rest. It seemed that the Knight Captain was hell bent on making his face burn with shame as he innocently told Eilis she was in good hands. The sudden realization that his hands were still somewhat firmly attached to the small waist of the young girl made his checks all but flare. He slowly retired his hand to prevent the blind girl from thinking something was wrong and instead turned to Tyrhallan. His side had started to ache again but he did not want to dishonor himself and the captain by showing weakness. The mage was glad that luck would be in his favor by materializing the same person who was meant to be used as a distraction from the topic that was Eilis and their sudden connection. Distraction or not, Arn had truly been concerned about the fate of the Spider and was glad that except for a broken leg, the younger knight seemed to be in fine spirits. It was refreshing to see the familial banter that the two exchanged. Life was short in the battle field and often, the ties made in such environment were stronger than many. This much was evident in the faces of these battle hardened men who still mourned the loss of a comrade. Yet war was merciless and often, those far away from the fray made cold calculated decision not having seen their battle brothers die or heard their last breath. Arn had been very successful detaching himself from these ideas. It would be very easy to hate those in power for their careless use of human life. The mage had contented himself in carrying the tags of lost team mates as remembrance and living each battle for what it was. It was also true however, that he did not have the courage to set strong bonds with any one in his own squad. Perhaps these two men lamenting their losses were much braver than he. Arn’s anger was still stoked when he heard of the decision by those in power to perhaps even dispose of the Knight Captain. Though the decision was not completely unexpected or un heard of, it still brought a stiffening to this body and the balling of his fists. The second he had met Eilis he had started to question such rules and regulations. The senior mage swallowed. Was his connection to Eilis responsible for his sudden surge of feelings and thoughts that spanned more than just daily routine and procedures? The thought made him shudder. His whole life he had lived in a bubble. The danger with letting people into your bubble is that it was likely to be a doorway for other things, good or bad, to come in. The battle mage’s answer to the request of the Knight Captain was simple. [color=0054a6]“You have my word, Knight Captain, that I shall not utter a word unless directly authorized by you.”[/color] He thought about but what he would say next and continued in the same assertive tone. [color=0054a6]“If I may be so bold. Your men entrusted you with their lives because of their loyalty to you. They would not regret doing so and would not see their death as a loss. I feel the same way. My current condition is not a result of your failure but a result of my willingness to pay any price to see the mission completed because that is what you entrusted me with. Should you ever require my services again, I would follow you without question.” [/color]