[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/OYerIsc.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Budapest District V - Banks of the Danube[/b][/h3] [/centre] [hr] The enemy dismissed his bow, switching weapons to something more suited for close range. As he approached, Caster began to gather water as a defence. If they weren’t an Archer after all, that opened some new tactics, dangerous as being close to them was. “The best way to get to know someone is through combat? I couldn’t disagree more. But it’s a good way to get people to reveal their tricks, I suppose.” Perhaps that was simply her nature. Monsters didn’t fight as a method of communication, they did it to kill, and to eat. And though she had long put that behind her, combat was not something she had ever pursued, except in necessity. She had been content to live the simple life of a human. That itself was likely to prove a weakness, when it came to a war. As the spear was thrust towards her, Caster met it with a wave of water, curving up from behind her. Though she couldn’t meet the strength of a Servant’s attack with her body, the force of the water would be enough. The water burst into both the spear and the Servant, crossing around her body. At the same time, she used the opportunity to slip backwards into the river. At the same time, a mist rose from the river, obscuring it from sight, along with Caster’s exact positioning. A minor obstacle, particularly if her opponent was an Archer, but it could make all the difference here. For her, it was a simple matter of enhancing her eyes, ensuring the obscuring effect was one way only. “Something unusual? Ah, why else would I ask? But as to what it means- I wouldn’t want to speculate until I’ve done some experimentation.” Caster’s voice echoed out from the mist, along with several swift tendrils of water, probling at the enemy’s defences. Ideally, she could finish this fight without revealing her Magecraft at all, but that was a best case scenario, certainly unlikely to happen. As it stood, the advantage was hers. But that could be upset easily. If the Servant fled to his Master’s side, she would have no choice but to pursue, losing the favoured ground of the river around her. “Well then, what does this tell you about me,” She asked, with a taunting edge to her voice. Letting it ring out, to see how he responded, how sharp his senses were. Tantalise just enough to stop him from rearranging the battlefield to his advantage. [hr] [centre][@Yankee][@Yukitamas][@Gracefully][/centre]