[hider=An Ice-cool Sinner] [h2][center]Serradrith Vrukeil[/center][/h2] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/2667/sample_92ab6ab918b73d3e06bfec32deac5e0bb0c0fe2a.jpg?2777414[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Serradrith Vrukeil Sera, for short. [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a little over five feet seven, Sera is not a woman to be taken lightly. A lithe, but healthy and well toned frame. Once upon a time she made an effort to hone her body to the utmost limit. She supposes that's still a good thing now, considering her circumstances. Possessing snow-white pale skin, dull red eyes, white colored hair and a distant expression when alone, she gives off a rather aloof impression for those that haven't met her. Typically she's dressed in travel gear, always seemingly ready to head out at a moments notice on some job armed with everything a traveler could be expected to have. Multiple weapons, knives, armor, and a warm cloak. Oddly, her body is slightly cool to the touch. [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Sera's standard gear consists of her usual armor, cloak, clothing. Nothing unusual or fancy. All of her clothing and armor is well worn, but oddly lightly cool to the touch. [*]A versatile one-handed blade. Sharp, swift, and deadly. [*]Parrying Dagger-designed as its name implies. Dubbed a 'sword breaker' its desgined to catch opponents blades, lock them down so she can deliver a fatal blow with her other blade. Doesn't work so well on two-handed blades, though. [*]Multiple daggers and other survival gear one could expect of a seasoned traveler.[/list] [b]Magic:[/b] Sera's magic is of a Spiritual nature, provided by a patron that offered her a second chance at life. Its rough, as she's still figuring out how exactly it all works but she's managed to hammer out a few useful spells of a mostly combative nature. Its nature and affinity for Ice and frost has colored these spells similarly. She is of yet unsure of its name, but if she does ever earn the privilege of learning it, its promised more boons. [Hider=Spells] [list] [*][b]Frostbitten Blade[/b] - Channeling the powers of her patron, she empowers her blade, covering its edge in life-draining frost briefly. Along with physically hurting a foe should it strike, it drains their vitality just a little, causing mild physical weakness. [*][b]Rimewind Venom - [/b] A peculiar poison of 'Living Ice'. Once struck with her blade, a chilling poison is injected into the opponents blood, freezing their blood in their veins. Aside from just causing frostbite, the ice crystals will tear and rupture internal blood vessels causing internal bleeding and freezing. [*][b]Frostborne Offering[/b] - The Terror demands souls of man and beast to feed it. Driving a spear of ice into a creature on the verge of death, the frost and ice starts to consume it as it is offered to the Terror until its body is reduced to a pile of snow. More for ceremony than anything, and rather ineffective on things with full vitality as of now. Larger souls feed the demon more, and thus, in turn, fill Sera herself with more vitality and power as her connection with it deepens. [/list] [/hider] Due to her connection with the Terror, she's afforded a fair resistance to cold and towards mental effects that would influence her to act out of character. Not because of an innate resistance, but rather because they'd have to trick both her and the Terror. Of course, the affinity for magic as well. However - this also comes with a few other problems. Things of divine nature, while not inherently harmful from simply being around, it makes her no small amount of uncomfortable depending on the exact nature of them from mild anxiety to severe weakness and potentially blacking out, and doing gods knows what in the meantime. In return for these things, the Terror asked thusly - to house part of itself within her and as she sought her revenge, she would feed. Feed it the souls of humans that stood in her way, as well as those of beasts that crossed her path, and occasionally anything else it asked. It would keep her alive until her revenge had been complete, or their connection was somehow severed. This is why she joined the guild - easier access to things to feed to her patron. When she does it, she excuses as offering something to a God. Theoretically, the demon could likely take full possession of her body at will, but it seems content to let the status quo remain as long as she does as it asks, and it doesn't ask for much aside from what its already has. Whatever its goals are, are an enigma...but feeding a demons power can't possibly end well. Does she care? Not at all. [b]History:[/b] In the fringes of the region, far to the northwest, just on the edge of civilization is the city of Borea. Known for three things - its bitter cold winters, heavily religious ties...and the best damn alcohol in the entire region. Sure, dwarves have their strong, earthy stuff...but if its classy alcohol you want, distilled in the frozen wastes of the north you'll find no better. Cool, refreshing, and strong as hell. And, its known for being Sera's home once upon a time. And that's about as much as she tells people. Her reasons for coming to Arskel and joining the guild are entirely her own. What can be pieced together though, is that she left Borea around the period of time six years ago soon after a rather macabre event in which all the clergy, knights, and civilians in a local church had been brutally slaughtered. Since then, she has simply been a vagrant, traveling from place to place and mostly keeping to herself. One may also be aware that the name 'Vrukiel' was once also the name of a respected family in the area. As she says, she's just looking for someone, all too believably innocently, though she never says who...also food. She says she's here for food, too. Whatever that means. [b]Guild Ranking: [/b] Initiate [b]Theme:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJaMKHHlHeY]"In the end, we'll all be naught but flurries on the wind..."[/url] [/hider]