[hider=Kass the Dragon] Name: Kassandra Age (18+ please): 153, considered a young adult for a dragon Gender: Female Race: Water Dragon Appearance: Kassandra is chubby with dark skin and seafoam white hair. She has strange, forked ears that mark her as inhuman, but they don’t look elven and she’s too tall to be a dwarf. Despite having a sweet smile, she has a carnivore’s teeth. She usually dresses a bit outside of fashion as she can’t quite keep up with trends over the many years. Her dragon form is a pastel blue and white. Personality: Kassandra is gentle and caring, and looks like she couldn’t hurt a fly. In truth, she could do so easily, but only if the fly was hurting others. While she has few friends, she tends to take good care of the people under her watch. Beware her if you ever get her angry. Strengths: swimming, cooking, staff combat, water magic, singing Weaknesses: Hot days, bad food, weapons with anti-dragon properties, deserts, dehydration Brief Bio: Kassandra has served as the local fishing village’s guardian for over 75 years. She helps with large catches, rescues people in storms, tosses brigands out of town, and sometimes teaches the children when their parents are off on sea voyages. She has not left the town in some time, because she is comfortable there. Unfortunately, life isn’t all comfort. Being chosen will test everything she knows, and is. Other: [/hider] I'm not sure I like this or not, but it's what I've got so far. Please feel free to take it to pieces if necessary.