[hr][hr][center][h1][color=9C00FF]Jack Gold[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c710e06e7be2e8cf804fcdda9a91738fe8b12f5e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6f7977564951515332716e3173773d3d2d3530353932363935302e313531646638653466643632636237313738343735313530363832382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [hr][color=9C00FF]Location:[/color] Camelot - Prison [color=9C00FF]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Jack didn't think much of who it was that they were freeing exactly, given the fact that it at least was going to cause some commotion to help cover their getaway so that they could get Red out of here. This was going to be fun, that much was certain and he headed back over to where his sister was freeing another prisoner and making a Les Mis reference out of nowhere. [color=9C00FF]"Wow Meg, really with that one?"[/color] he asked her with a bit of a laugh. That was definitely an interesting reference to make given their current situation. Of course their getaway couldn't be so simple as several guards appeared at the end of the hall, and he figured that they weren't there to help them escape. He was prepared to fight if they needed to, but apparently Megan had a different idea, and it was more or less just threatening them with her fancy sword. Jack knew the basics of Arthurian legend, so he knew that the sword was fairly big and important in the world of Camelot, so hey, maybe her just threatening them would actually work out. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=A36AC7]Rosalia Rider[/color][/h1] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3vRofYKCYCY16cgg/source.gif[/img][hr][color=A36AC7]Location:[/color] Camelot [color=A36AC7]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Rosalia was still mentally panicking with regard to the flames that were growing, but she wasn't really wanting to show it. [color=A36AC7]"Remember when it was agreed that fire was a bad idea except as a last resort since everything might burn down to the ground and it could kill a lot of people? Yeah, now I definitely agree that I'm surrounded by idiots,"[/color] she commented out loud, clearly still annoyed somewhat with what was going on. She had problems trusting most people, however going back on what you had previously said and doing something completely different was a big no in her mind, and she wasn't going to trust [i]anyone in this group ever.[/i] Glancing towards Taylor when she made her comment about being arrested and she just shrugged her shoulders, [color=A36AC7]"I've been arrested before, not fun but not horrible. Though not sure how the jails around here would be."[/color] In truth she really didn't want to find out what the jails around here were like, and was perfectly fine with moving on. Getting away from the flames was the best idea she had heard yet, and she followed after the others as more people seemed to focus and ask who this Rumple person was or something. Betting they'd find out who he was soon enough.