[hider=NEET Master] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Kageko Nikaidou [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 28 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2577569][i]"Oh, another "gas leak" huh...?"[/i][/url] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Ten years ago, Kageko Nikaidou was a bright and earnest mage student with an eternally sunny demeanour. Nowadays, however, her sunniness has been clouded over by cynicism, and she is a bitter and jaded shadow of who she used to be. Her social skills have degraded just like her magecraft skills due to how little she puts them to use, as she usually only says the bare minimum whenever she has to interact with others, and she barely even leaves her apartment aside from when she needs to buy food and other necessities. Despite this, she's still a fundamentally good person who if push comes to shove would stand up for what's good in this world; it's just that she's so disillusioned that she finds it difficult to not see the world as almost irredeemably rotten and corrupt, and believes that it's not going to change anytime soon. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Unlike a lot of mages, Kageko is proficient with modern technology; after all, her lifestyle would be a lot more difficult without online shopping. Living alone has also led her to become a somewhat decent cook; she's no master chef or anything but she does make a mean curry ramen. Whilst her family aren't entirely pleased with how she turned out, they still give let her have access to some of their money as it keeps her out of the way, and thus if she [i]really[/i] needs to she can potentially pay for anything she really needs... Although if it ends up costing too much her family might want to have words with her. [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: Kageko possesses an above average amount of above average quality magic circuits, and an affinity for the Fire and Wind elements. This led her to be highly proficient in lightning and electricity based magecraft back when she was still a student... But her skills have rusted over the past decade due to lack of practice, and thus unless she focuses extremely hard all she can really muster are small static shocks that can potentially incapacitate a mundane human for a short period of time. If she focuses a bit she can toss out a moderately-sized ball of lightning, but it's a little taxing due to how out of practice she is. Whilst she was an exceptional pupil back in the day, she only half-remembers a lot of magecraft theory aside from the basics and might initially have problems when trying to remember how to perform advanced spells. Using her family's connections she was able to obtain a special brand of Mystic Eye Killer glasses; rather than blocking her (non-existent) Mystic Eyes, they instead block Mystic Eyes used against her, as she is somewhat (rightfully) paranoid of any mages coming to meddle in her shut-in life and using charms and hypnosis to force her out of it. Her apartment is reasonably well protected by two Bounded Fields; the first of which is a simple alarm field that alerts her whenever trespassers enter the apartment, and the second is a more complicated perception filter field that she set up (with a little help) back when she moved into the place and was less out of practice; this particular field means that the apartment will just be ignored by anyone who hasn't specifically been given the address, although Servants with Magic Resistance or of the Caster class can easily see through it. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Once a promising pupil of the Clock Tower from the somewhat prestigious Nikaidou family, due to an altercation with another mage family Kageko became disillusioned with mage society. Moving back home to Japan, her disillusionment grew to encompass modern society in general. She became withdrawn and used her family's money to accomodate the lifestyle of a shut-in, barely practicing any magecraft aside from basic spells to make her lifestyle easier. By this point in time, her skills have rusted considerably, and would have continued to deteriorate were it not for her being one of the few local mages in Sako when a new Grail War began...[/list] [/hider]