[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Quinjet [color=09849f]Skills: [/color] [hr][/center][/b] It appeared that Servals finest did have the ability to see when he put his foot in his mouth. Good. That would mean that his nose wasn't always higher than his eyes. Kwassi was about to comment back to him, acknowledging his statement and opening up a bit more, but then Hawkeye had come on the intercom to announce their first destination. Little had Kwassi known that it was more of a warning than announcement. He had felt better landings jumping from rooftop to rooftop in shoes with no support or suspension. To say it was rough would be putting it too mildly. The Wakandan toppled over and slammed against a wall, immediately going to grab his elbow and biceps as he felt what may be a bruise forming. He didnt dare move until the plane finally stopped and he would stand up and dust himself off. Long gone was any want to continue his conversation with Agent Reed and The Fly about AIs, their construction, or how they may fit them to help against this new threat. All Kwassi wanted to do was strap in, go off, and head to Hawkeyes secret base or whatever he had planned. [Color=09849f]"No hard feelings then Mr. Rossi. I hope you and those who go with you stay safe and vigilant."[/color] With that, Kwassi sat down, strapped in, and prepared for what was undoubtedly going to be a rough take off.