[Color=pink]Melanie Rose Pourri[/color] [I]Mathematics Building, Logic and Reasoning with Ms. Sophelia Savage, 9:15AM.[/i][hr] After a quick pop quiz and a few minutes into class, Melanie had started doodling in her notebook. This was not unusual--she doodled as a way to stay alert, especially during classes that were not very interesting or where the teachers had terribly monotone voices. She had this habit since elementary school and her teachers allowed it because she always worked hard, listened, and got good marks because of or at least in spite of it. In classical mythology, she drew because she was inspired by her lessons, but in this case it was because she bored by it. History, science, math, and language studies were all dreadfully boring. Mel much preferred arts, literature, culture, and animal studies but as a 1st-year student she had to get her general education credits out of the way. "Logic and Reasoning" seemed like the easiest mathematics class Eukary offered, so that was the one she chose. While taking some notes on different types of fallacies, Mel happened to elbow her eraser onto the floor. It boused 1-2-3 times until it landed under her neighbor's desk and out of reach. She reached her paw out futilely, drawing a glaring eye from a smaller but still fearsome looking [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb2d67170e86ea877a75aa682add8069/tumblr_n1b5deQfLZ1rebf1bo1_500.png]lizard-girl[/url], who flicked her tongue and stared, unwavering. A bead of sweat formed on Melanie's forehead. [color=pink][i]"Hi, umm... would you mind getting that eraser for me?"[/i][/color] Mel asked weakly. The girl blinked once. [color=pink][i]"...please?[/i][/color] she pleaded, making her eyes look big and pitiful. The girl jut her bottom jaw out and blew, causing her wig? or hair? to waft out of eyes. [b]"Sure. Yeah. Whatever,"[/b] she replied. Mel momentarily smiled and her ears perked and eyes lit up. But then the girl purposely and quite forcefully kicked the eraser, causing it bounce and roll down the next level all the way to the professor's podium. The lizard girl looked back at Mel, smiling mockingly, and flicked her tongue again. [b]"Whoops."[/b] [color=pink][i]"Oh, um, It's okay..."[/i][/color] Mel mumbled, looking down at her notes. This would be a long class.