[center] [img]https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/8/8e/Icon_heavy.jpg/150px-Icon_heavy.jpg?t=20160319164550[/img][h1][color=f7941d]The Heavy[/color][/h1][/center] [center][b][color=ed1c24]Level[/color][/b]: 2 (7/20) [b][color=ed1c24]Location[/color][/b]: Before the Great Barrier [b][color=ed1c24]Word count:[/color][/b] 321 (1 EXP) [/center] Heavy had never been a man of the planning mind, not like the great Zhukov and his brilliant Deep Battle Plan that which drive back the fascist invaders from his frozen homeland, back to the country his best friend Medic himself came from. The strong-armed suggestion to use his brilliant strength to toss his new teammates across the gulge was not met by the same enthusiasm Heavy himself had showed many times before that day. Even his beloved Doktor came with his own suggestion, followed by the majority of the team calling into question its possibility. Instead Midna came up with her own creative idea. Animals. Amazing animals. Taming the wild creatures of the desert valley and using them to descend like snowflakes up to their destination? Heavy had to admit that he'd always wanted to fly, and not in the sense of being blown away by Demoman's bombs or Soldier's rockets. Though that idea was also sidelined once the girl with a Arabian name transformed herself into something strange, uncomprehensible and quite possibly brain-wrecking - Like Spy turning himself into ANOTHER Spy! - a flying saucer! Heavy shielded his eyes at the Necronomicon, a terrible sight, just like the LIVING BREAD! THE HORROR…then again, Heavy wasn't too bright and didn't understand how terribly the sight truly was, only giving him a look of confusion until people suggested they fly on her…it. [color=f7941d]"Strange…does it hurt to turn into Saucer?"[/color] More importantly, someone mentioned a hunt for dragons. A hunt? Heavy snapped to attention, feeling a Siberan eagerness rising within him for the prospect of a hunt! So was his Medic friend, which was enough for Heavy. [color=f7941d]"Heavy join hunting dragons! Will be great time for us all! Me and Sasha have never fought real dragons before, only Scout in spooky costume and undead teleported Bread…though that is still big fight for big man. Dragons be of no challenge to us then!"[/color]