[CENTER][IMG]https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/85/69/80/360_F_285698022_bfZdOHbLGkg4BadIWNkKLReNEYnjyxgP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent]Trying to make a living in the universe is harsh. When you're a teenage crew flying the stars on a stolen ship, smuggling goods to the impoverished and getting caught up in intergalactic space battles, things tend to get out of hand. One moment you're finding ancient ruins on an abandoned planet, the next you're being shot at by Imperial troops eager to collect a bounty. It's a rough life out there, but through the power of friendship, you'll surely get through the thick and thin and maybe make the universe a better place while you're at it.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [center]=====[/center] [indent][indent][indent]Hey guys; this is an incredibly basic concept with heavy sandbox elements. The roleplay is meant to be goofy and almost cartoonish, so we won't be discussing the feasibility of FTL drives or other aspects of accurate science and logic. In other words, this will not be hard science fiction, rather it'll be more geared towards soft scifi in order for everyone to flex their creativity and have fun writing whacky and zany things. Given the rather short introduction, this roleplay nor I will not expect a lot of out its players. About two paragraphs once or twice a week would be the bare minimum expected from anyone that is accepted. Other than the site rules, this will be the one and only rule for this roleplay unless other guidelines are needed. If you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns, feel free to post them below. If not, then I hope you all are having a good weekend and thanks for taking the time to read this.[/indent][/indent][/indent]