[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210102/04bd11e7fc562474def4f74fc6339e81.png[/img][/center] Hawkpaw thought about what it might be like to meet up with members of other clans. She'd heard about the gatherings sure but there was something different about traveling with them across borders unhindered. All of them talking like they knew each other well, and she supposed some of them did, felt so strange. She'd heard about times when war ravaged the clans, it almost seemed inevitable at times, but this felt like those fights were so foolish. They could all get along, at least it seemed like it to her. She glanced towards the tabby tom that had fallen into step next to her, Braveleap if she remembered Blackmoon's introductions correctly. Meeting members of other clans was so exciting! [color=39b54a][b]"Nice to meet you,"[/b][/color] she meowed softly towards the tom and then scrambled for something else to say, [color=39b54a][b]"What's it like in BirchClan?"[/b][/color] She hoped that wasn't rude to ask. Dawnwing sighed, her tail twitching in concern. [b]"They have not spoken to me either. No omens or prophecies at all; just completely silent."[/b] She looked back towards her apprentice as he spoke, [b]"I can't say what Jaystar thinks anymore. Without StarClan everything feels directionless, but we have to hope that the leaders and warriors continue to abide by the code. It would only make things worse if they decided to abandon what kept everything balanced."[/b] Hawkpaw tuned briefly into the conversation going on in front of her, curious of what the older cats were discussing, and she almost wished she hadn't. None of the medicine cats were receiving dreams from StarClan anymore? If Jaystar had stopped believing in StarClan that meant that maybe Emberstar didn't believe either. Maybe MistClan or DuskClan were still speaking to them. She hoped that was the case at least.