[@Darked13] Knull stared into the seemingly endless hallway. The was hardly any natural light so there was plenty cover of darkness to use, and to the eyes of the living it may have been hard to tell whether or not something was actually hiding, however Knull was undead, and not just any undead. All undead shared the ability to sense the living, so no matter how dark the environment was Knull could see the creature as clear as day. There was more one soul hiding in the darkness. They were reptilian in nature, not large enough to be lizard folk ah they were kobolds. Come I think of it there was a den near here wasn't there? These creatures come from there... What was one of them holding? Was that a scroll from the archives? HIS ARCHIVES?! [color=9e0b0f][b]"Thieves...Fear."[/b][/color] Knull casted his spell to every soul in the passageway he was their worst fear incarnate. He often wondered what others saw when used this magic. Perhaps he a new experiment is in order.