[b]*Note: Originally, this was only intended for 1x1, but I think it'd be more interesting with more players. If you are however interested in the 1x1 version, please refer to this thread: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/19967/posts/ooc?page=1#post-517100. The 3-4 people max requirement still applies. Finally, the requirements have also been modified to accommodate for multiple people.*[/b] [i]It has been said that at the dawn of all things, from infinity to nothingness, the being known as Zyaxomort breathed life into all realities. In doing so, all worlds were born. From the tiniest atom, to the most complex universe. All things owed their existence to Zyaxomort, and all so originated. But there needed to be law. There needed to be order and stability. Thus, Zyaxomort gave life once more, this time in the form of the Ultimatum. Transcending time, space, and all other concepts, the Ultimatum was tasked to safeguard and protect the many realities. Never interfering, never instigating. Only watching. And so it has been so, and so it shall always be.[/i] [i]Enter the present day, in a world that has evolved unlike any other. Society has become unified, combining the ideals and beliefs of science, magic, and even religion, using them as a part of daily life and social norm. This blend of science and magic has come to be known as the Unity Concept. A single force known as the Ultimatum controls this world and serves as it's government.[/i] [i]Sunnydale High School. It's just another boring day for you. That is, until the new transfer student arrives. Enter Lucy Bastion. Young, attractive, and at the top of her class. But she holds nothing but contempt and a cold front towards those around her. Curious about this new ice queen, you decide to befriend her. Or at least try too. In doing so however, your efforts attract unwanted attention that ends up costing you your life. Well, almost.[/i] [i]One day you are attacked by something out of a fable. Something ancient and powerful. A being from the stuff of legends. And this is just the small fry. With that in mind, you give up in despair....only for Lucy to save you. And it is then that you finally discover her secret. She only desires one thing in this world or in any other: to take back that which has been stolen from her by the Ultimatum. A war front against Zyaxomort itself. Baffled by such a proclamation, she gives you a choice. Will you help her in this seemingly impossible, and probably suicidal mission? Or will you cower back to your life of normalcy? Choose carefully now. Because at the end of your tale, you may very well find yourself facing the being who dares to rebel against God's will.[/i] Apologies for the long intro. Let's get some ground rules straightened out. -Romance amongst characters is fine. For me, I'll do FxM or FxF. -I'll be playing as Lucy as well as the higher ups (Zyaxomort, Ultimatum, etc.) if the story requires it. -Please use correct grammar, no one liners, use accurate spelling, and at least one decent paragraph. Past experience from long ago has made me a tad bit skeptical. -Post at least once a day. I understand if life gets in the way, so at least inform me of any absences. -This will be kind of a mix between sci-fy and fantasy, meaning that spells and laser swords can exist in the same world. So go nuts! -I'm looking for at least 3-4 people max, so first come, first serve. -Yes, we will be using high schoolers. Because everyone loves teenage drama and anxiety. And, I think that's it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to let me know. Enjoy.