[hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bastille-vredeburg-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210120/aed880a007384614dd1e5150642bf5a1.png[/img][/url] [color=8FA4CA]— [color=#918ABB][b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b][/color] —[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TeDapcy.gif[/img] [color=8FA4CA][sup][b]Location:[/b] Hades Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.[/sup] [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Dorian Underwood ([@King Kindred]), Elias Schneider ([@Metztli]), Greyson Davies & Tyler Rumancek ([@Moro]), Kyrin Nahng ([@Rodiak]), and Spencer McNight ([@Zenritch]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] The couch in the living room of the Hades cabin had seen many years; many seasons of use. Nevertheless, it was well maintained. The charcole sectional the perfect addition to the already dark and mood driven atmosphere in the room which was like a place straight out of time; a place to rest without consequence. It was a sanctuary- [i]her[/i] sactuary. A place where she was safe enough that she was able to simply relax; to recharge and to forget about all the things the world was demanding needed to be done. Giving off the air that she wasn't particularly even really aware of her own surroundings, even as her cousin led her further into her cabin, it was just staight up pure natural instict that, as Erin's figure fell lightly down into her place on the sofa, she reached forward and towards the coffee table. Her fingers brushing over the hard cover of the first edition novel resting there from the night previous, it was only after they'd curled over the spine that she began to pull it closer, eventually drawing it into her lap. The alluring scent of orange, mango, papaya, and other fruits mixed with the unmistakable aroma of lemongrass hitting her, as strong as if the mug itself was being held right up and under her nose; Erin's dark gaze was lured towards the figure that she'd been speaking to not moments beforehand. Tyler... The smallest shadow of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, it didn't last however, and leaving the book to rest on her lap, she reached out to instead wrap her palms around the mug that was being offered. It was warm... so, so warm. And almost instantly, she began to feel a little better than she had been. She wasn't even sure when it was that she'd gotten in the habit, but to her... tea was the fix for everything. It was soothing- comforting. Like a hot, raging fire on a cold winders night; and the very moment she brought the rim of the mug to her lips and took a sip, the warmth spread quickly through her like a wildfire through a forest suffering from a drought. And the taste-... A little more life making its way back to her eyes, she let them fall to the mug as she lowered it too down to her lap. It was like a citrus mimosa, just without the alcohol- this had to have been the tea that she'd found and then rather promptly ordered online in order to add it to her already exstensive collection. It wasn't bad... [color=662D91]"Tell us about what the oracle said to you when you're ready. We're here for you no matter what."[/color] Attention drawing up as the sound of Spencer's voice hit her ears once more, Erin's lips drew to a slight part. Her dark iris' slowly trailing through the room, moving from figure to figure, and only lingering on each for a brief second or two at a time before moving on; only then truly taking notice of just how many people had come running in order to make sure that she was okay. Why though..? Some she could understand, but others..? It wasn't as though she was the most welcoming, or the most pleasant of company to keep; but they were here. Greyson... Dorian... Spencer... Elias... Tyler... With the exception of one who just came swinging into her life like fucking Miley Cyrus on a damn wrecking ball, she'd let them all past her wall in one way or another. And now they were there; it didn't seem as though they were ever going to let her forget it... Trapping her lower lip between her teeth, her attention turning back up so that her gaze once more met with Spencer, Erin hesitated. She didn't want this- didn't want all this fuss made on her behalf, but... she also didn't exactly want to die either. She just-... Asking for help; admitting that she might [i]actually[/i] need it... it was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. Letting her gaze fall, bringing it back to the tea she had in her hands; Erin let her thumb brush anxiously back and forth over the surface of the dark grey mug. Clearly hesitant, even as she spoke. Her voice soft and full of the vulnerablility she normally kept hidden. [color=#918ABB][i]".. Six figures, tall, stand strong in the East... A land of Pisa, pasta, and much art none the least... While two might find love, one soul shall be taken... The Ladies dove shall be found, but what vengance will it awaken..? ..."[/i][/color] Falling silent for a few moments, Erin eventually lifted her head back up. Her eyes once more flicking back and forth between the others that filled her cabin. Really, she was surprised that there weren't more people crowding her in her time of distress. Those she considered to be quest-happy demigods had managed to restrain themselves, and honestly, she was fucking grateful for it. The last thing she needed was for the camp as an entirety to see her in one of her weakest moments, [color=#918ABB]"..Europe- [i]Italy[/i]... if I do decide to go and chase down this stupid fucking pigion, I'm not only going to have to leave camp, but I'm going to have to go all the way back to my family's [i]homeland[/i]... I mean, I've been there before; ho famiglia lì, but that's not the point..!"[/color] Sighing heavily, head dropping, she once more stared into the tea she held. Silent for a few moments before her voice fell from her lips again. Head shaking lightly, [color=#918ABB]"..non credo di poterlo fare..."[/color] [hr][hr] [hider=𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈] [color=#DAA20D][center][h3][sub][i]⦓ 𝐼𝓉𝒶𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓃 ⦔[/i][/sub][/h3][/center] Ho famiglia lì: [indent][color=DCC077][i]I have family there.[/i][/color][/indent] Non credo di poterlo fare: [indent][color=DCC077][i]I don't think I can do this.[/i][/color][/indent] [/color] [/hider]