Ana and Arus stood around the corner, peering out as they could to get a look at the men who were holding up the good doctor and his nurse. Ana already had both of her pistols out, and Arus was holding her own. The half dead cigar was placed back between Ana's lips, the woman having long ago stopped caring about the smoking policies. Grey lines stretched up to the ceiling, pooling over as she kept her gaze steadied on the ugly beast trying to intimidate the doctor. Arus gently tapped her, and Ana glanced back toward her. The alien leaned in and whispered, "I'm going to cloak and get in the middle of them. Should surprise them if things to wrong and a bullet gets put through a skull." Ana merely nodded, and Arus was gone with a small hum as the cloaking device became active. Arus - or, rather, Sura - inched her way in, being very careful of the Klomites and their damn good armor. She'd need to get a good shot on them. Though, their necks did seem to be rather exposed. That's where she'd put the gun. She grinned, and worked her way between them, slipping between their lines until she stood between three Klomites and the Animamity. Her breathing was steady, and her gun was already aimed at the Klomite closest to the Porkeian. As time ticked on, and the pig kept threatening the Doc, Sura could feel the violence coming in. And she was right. As the doctor blew the brains from the Porkeian, and the nurse sliced open the throat of the Klomite to her right, a pistol shot rang through the clinic as a bullet whizzed out from thin air, going right through the Klomite's neck, leaving a gaping hole. A second later, the one neck to him fell, clutching a similarly large hole in his throat. By the time she turned, the Animamity had already bolted, the coward sprinting out the door, likely to inform Rectja if things went south. Unfortunately, Ana was hot on his tail. Activating the speed boost in her legs, she sprinted past with inhuman strength, gunning downa Klomite as she passed. Sura rolled her eyes, not really thinking the bastard was that important. But that wasn't important. There were still more to take care of. Sura got out of their midst, and moved to another side of the room. Then, she took aim... Outside. Ana was still chasing down the Animamity. However, it only took a few seconds. She leapt and tackled him to the ground, pressing one of her pistols to his skull. He shouted as he hit the ground, and squirmed beneath her, even with the pistol at his head. Grunting, the cyborg stood up and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, and drug him into a nearby alley. He was violently thrown into the wall, knocking the air out of him. Then the front of his shirt was grabbed, and he was thrust against the wall, once more the gun held to his face. This time, he settled down. She grinned, and pushed the gun into the holster within her jacket. "Don't worry, you aren't gonna die," she assured him, letting him go. "Unless you run." He flinched as she said that, as if that was what he exactly meant to do. "But, on to business. I've got a message for Rectja." The man perked up at that. "You aren't getting shit from the doctor, but I can do you one more. Tell Mr. Tyrr that a representative of Cassius is on Norrux, and will meet him at the race." He nodded, and was prepared to leave. Before he could, the front of his shirt was grabbed and he was pulled onto he was nearly nose to nose with Ana. "But if I am denied access to Rectja, I'll hunt you down and make you wish you died today. Understood?" He nodded quickly, and she pushed him off. "Good. Now, get out of my sight." The man took off running down the alley, and she chuckled. She headed out of the alley herself, and leaned up against the wall of the building next to the clinic, not really feeling any incentive to go back in. They were probably just cleaning up anyways. Ana took another drag of the cigar, and blew the smoke into the cool Norrux air. Soon, she'd be off this dump.