[CENTER][COLOR=GRAY][SUB][sub][h3][I]We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.[/I][/h3][/sub][/SUB][/COLOR] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vtNDce0.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [COLOR=black][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Gotham State University[/I] - [I]Founder’s Island, Gotham City[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Welcome to the Masquerade #1.03:[/b] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Meet Cute[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][color=black][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4889969][COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Growing Pains[/I][/COLOR][/url][/right][/SUP][/color] [INDENT][color=#808080]Chatter could be heard across the open campus space as it echoed between the buildings that enclosed it on all side. Words filled with gossip, weekend plans and the latest accomplishments of the Gotham Knights were all nearly indiscernible from one another as they rang out within the ever growing din. [/color] [color=#808080]A groan escaped from between the lips of Terry McGinnis as he lowered his head onto his crossed arms. The cold surface of the metal table was soothing against his tired eyes, the same eyes which now protested in agony as the sun continued to rise high above the Gotham skyline. For a brief moment, Terry had been able to forget about the Gotham State University student body that all around him hurried every which way. But the noise had brought him back to reality as Terry raised his head to watch the other students move between classes as they passed through the quadrangle. [/color] [color=#808080]Slumping back in his chair, Terry let his head fall backwards, squinting as the sun threatened to blind him. A disgruntled groan emerged from his loosely slung jaw as his personal pity party was interrupted by a familiar voice. [/color] [color=#c27ba0]“You look like shit, Terry.”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“Good morning to you too, Max.” [/color][color=#808080]Terry replied before lifting his head as he corrected his posture. Smiling in response, Max flicked a straightened strand of bright pink hair out of her face before taking a seat across from Terry. For as long as Terry had known Max, she had always coloured her hair in the same shade, and it worked for her. The bright bubblegum presenting her with an eye-catching contrast between her hair, her warm, amber eyes and her rich, umber complexion. [/color] [color=#808080]Placing her bag down on the table, Max turned and smiled towards a nearby redheaded girl, who Terry only know noticed seemed to be waiting for an invitation. Before he could make the motion, Max eagerly waved her over, gesturing for the girl to take the seat directly beside her. [/color] [color=#c27ba0]“Terry,”[/color][color=#808080] Max began gesturing to the girl beside her, [/color][color=#c27ba0]“This is Carrie,”[/color][color=#808080] Max smiled before nodding back towards Terry. [/color][color=#c27ba0]“Carrie, this is Terry, he and I have been friends since sophomore year.”[/color][color=#808080] She stated before quickly correcting herself, [/color][color=#c27ba0]“Highschool sophmore year, not-”[/color] [color=#93c47d]“I follow,”[/color][color=#808080] Carrie replied with a smile towards Max as she adjusted the green frames on her almost comically large, oval glasses.[/color][color=#93c47d] “Be a little weird to introduce a friend from last semester like that.”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“Max is a little weird.”[/color][color=#808080] Terry smiled before realizing Max was shooting him daggers across the table. [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“Er, until you get to know her that is-”[/color][color=#808080] Max’s look only intensified as Terry scrambled to correct course only to thankfully be rescued as he felt an arm wrap around his neck.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Hey, Babe,”[/color][color=#808080] Dana smiled as Terry turned to look at her. His eyes slightly widened as Dana’s nose crinkled while she looked down at him.[/color][color=#add8e6] “Terry, I don’t mean to be rude but-”[/color][color=#808080] Dana paused, lowering her voice to a hushed tone before continuing. [/color][color=#add8e6]“You look like shit this morning.”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“So I’ve heard.”[/color][color=#808080] Terry replied dryly as Max put a hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter while Dana took a seat. [/color] [color=#add8e6]“Mr. Wayne has you working all hours of the night, does the man not sleep?”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“I’m sure he does,”[/color][color=#808080] Terry replied solemnly before a smirk crept into the corner of his mouth, [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“‘Cept it’s while I’m at school.”[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Terry, that’s horrible.”[/color][color=#808080] Dana stated, her bottom lip sticking out in the slightest of pouts giving away her obvious dissatisfaction. [/color][color=#add8e6]“We’re young, and we’re fun, I can’t have my boyfriend falling asleep between every class and at every party.”[/color] [color=#c27ba0]“Remember when he fell asleep with a drink in his hand?”[/color][color=#808080] Max interjected with a smile. [/color][color=#c27ba0]“Spilled all over his lap, never seen Terry move that quickly.”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“Not my finest moment.”[/color][color=#808080] Terry muttered as Dana put a hand to his cheek.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Forget about it, ask for this weekend off.”[/color][color=#808080] Dana pleaded, now emphasizing her bottom lip. [/color][color=#add8e6]“Everyone else is entitled to time off, why aren’t you?”[/color][color=#808080] She asked, [/color][color=#add8e6]“Besides,”[/color][color=#808080] She paused, leaning forward as her lips brushed against Terry’s ear. [/color][color=#add8e6]“I’ll make it worth your while.”[/color] [color=#c27ba0]“Uh, guys? Right here!”[/color][color=#808080] Max exclaimed from across the table, waving her arms at the pair while Carrie looked down, the freckles dotting her face disappearing beneath a flush of crimson. [/color] [color=#93c47d]“I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet,”[/color][color=#808080] Carrie suddenly spoke up as she stood and extended a hand towards Dana, [/color][color=#93c47d]“I’m Carrie, Carrie Kelly.”[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Dana Tan, Terry’s girlfriend.”[/color][color=#808080] Dana replied, her tone almost icy as Terry looked up at her curiously. Drawing her hand back, Dana brushed a few strands of her dark hair behind the nearest ear as she waved a hand towards Terry not-so-subtly instructing him to move so she could sit on his lap. [/color] [color=#add8e6]“How’d you two meet?”[/color][color=#808080] Dana asked motioning between Terry and Carrie as Carrie’s face suddenly went red again. A small cough from Max broke the awkward silence, as Dana turned her eyes towards the other woman. [/color] [color=#c27ba0]“I introduced them this morning,” [/color][color=#808080]Came Max’s voice as Dana turned her head towards her,[/color][color=#c27ba0] “Carrie and I have been hanging out for a while now, so I thought it was time to introduce her to my friends.”[/color][color=#808080] She continued, reaching towards Carrie as she took hold of her hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Oh, you two-,”[/color][color=#808080] It was Dana’s turn to blush as flustered words tumbled out of her mouth, [/color][color=#add8e6]“I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry.”[/color] [color=#93c47d]“It’s cool,”[/color][color=#808080] Carrie replied. [/color][color=#93c47d]“Max already told me I’m her first.”[/color][color=#808080] She added, adjusting the lime coloured glasses again.[/color][color=#93c47d] “This was hardly the most awkward introduction I’ve had.”[/color][color=#808080] Carrie stated, allowing herself a small giggle as Max smiled. [/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“I’m happy for you,”[/color][color=#808080] Terry nodded towards Max, wrapping an arm around Dana’s waist, [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“Both of you,”[/color][color=#808080] He nodded towards Carrie with a smile. [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“Any friend of Max’s is a friend of ours.”[/color] [color=#93c47d]“Thanks,”[/color][color=#808080] Carrie replied before glancing at her cellphone as she looked at the time. [/color][color=#93c47d]“Sorry guys, I’ve got to run, but it was a pleasure to finally meet both of you.”[/color][color=#808080] She added, placing a quick peck on Max’s cheek, Carrie stood before disappearing into the throng of students that filled the quad.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“I like her,”[/color][color=#808080] Dana stated as Terry scoffed.[/color][color=#add8e6] “What?”[/color][color=#808080] She asked, her tone indignant as she turned towards Terry who held up in his hands disarmingly. [/color] [color=#c27ba0]“Don’t mind him,”[/color][color=#808080] Max replied waving a hand towards Terry, [/color][color=#c27ba0]“And thank you, Dana, I appreciate it.”[/color] [b]“The Dean’s Office does not reflect the wishes of the student body!”[/b][color=#808080] A voice suddenly roared over the din of the quad. Turning to look, Terry’s eyes were drawn to a figure who had climbed atop a central table, megaphone in hand as he shouted over the numerous conversations that filled the open space.[/color] [b]“Your school is managed by bureaucrats and magnates running back alley deals with your tuition. The highest bidder controls future, dictating who will receive their degree! It is sickening!”[/b][color=#808080] He was working himself into a frenzy now, [/color][b]“Education should not be a privilege held by gatekeepers, it should be a right to all!”[/b][color=#808080] The young man roared, his volume only growing as people stopped to listen.[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“Who is that?”[/color][color=#808080] Terry muttered as he and Dana both turned to look at Max. Returning her gaze with an exasperated look, Max let out a reluctant sigh as she answered.[/color] [color=#c27ba0]“His name is Lonnie Machin, big proponent of the old ‘anti-establishmentism.’ He’s all over all of the school’s boards under the alias ‘Moneyspider.’”[/color][color=#808080] She stated, raising her hand as she put air quotes around the alias. [/color][color=#c27ba0]“But he’s harmless.”[/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“Good,”[/color][color=#808080] Terry replied in a low tone as Max smiled, acknowledging their shared secret. [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“Shit!”[/color][color=#808080] He suddenly exclaimed noticing the time.[/color][color=#FF3B2D] “I’m late for bio!”[/color] [color=#808080]Springing up, Terry hurriedly helped Dana to her feet before planting a quick kiss on her lips and scooping up his belongings.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“We’re still on for tonight right?”[/color][color=#808080] Dana asked pressing a perfectly manicured nail against his chest. [/color] [color=#FF3B2D]“You bet,”[/color][color=#808080] He replied before waving quickly towards Max, [/color][color=#FF3B2D]“Catch you around.”[/color] [color=#c27ba0]“Will do, McGinnis,”[/color][color=#808080] Max called as Terry pushed his way through Machin’s listeners. [/color][color=#c27ba0]“Ten bucks says he falls asleep in class,”[/color][color=#808080] Max muttered to Dana as the petite young woman spun around on her the heel of her ankle boot.[/color] [color=#add8e6]“Twenty and you’re on.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][COLOR=BLACK][sub][COLOR=#2c2c2c]Placeholder[/color][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Next Issue:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4893945][COLOR=#FF3B2D][I]Down the Rabbit Hole[/I][/COLOR][/url][/right][/SUP][/color][/INDENT]