[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/81IEtdI.png[/img] [/center] Before Penny could reply to Dana’s question, another girl spoke up, noting how she used to watch Gunslinger Alexis all the time. Dana was happy to hear that, but before she could say anything (indeed, before the other girl had even finished speaking), a grumpy looking bespectacled blonde cut in with several snide remarks. Penny was the first to address them, but Dana wasn’t about to be left out. [color=Gold]“You know it!”[/color] she confirmed with a grin after her roommate remarked on her “youthfully optimistic” attitude. [color=Gold]“And, like, why wouldn’t I be?! I’m gonna be an Ars Magi! It’s like a dream come true!”[/color] Penny then went on to talk about how similar their favorite shows were to Self Defense Force recruitment videos. And then about the unpleasant mundanities of military life… [color=Gold]“Wow, Penny,”[/color] Dana giggled as she elbowed her roommate playfully. [color=Gold]“Ya sure do like to take conversations to some pretty awful places! But I know watcha mean,”[/color] she added. [color=Gold]“And, yeah, I [i]know[/i] those shows ain’t real,”[/color] she noted a bit more pointedly as she glared at the bespectacled blonde. [color=Gold]“But even if somethin’s imaginary, that doesn’t mean it can’t inspire ya!”[/color] At that point, they were joined by a redheaded girl, who soon introduced herself as Cara, Vanna’s new roommate. She also asked why they had arrived so late, at which point Penny had made up a story about heavy turbulence, which Dana supposed wasn’t [i]entirely[/i] untrue… She hated to lie to their new friends, but she also remembered Victoria’s stern instructions not to reveal what had transpired during their flight, and so Dana found herself confirming her roommate’s tale. [color=Gold]“Yeah, we were havin’ a meal when it happened,”[/color] Dana explained. [color=Gold]“One minute, everything was calm and peaceful as can be, and the next, everything went totally crazy! We all got thrown around the room like we were in a pinball machine, or somethin! Oh, and I’m Dana Noel!”[/color] she added with a grin after realizing that she’d forgotten to introduce herself. [color=Gold]“I’m from Norba, and I’m currently roomin’ with Penny, here. She’s pretty awesome! You guys should have seen her when the turbulence hit!”[/color] Dana continued to gush. [color=Gold]“She punched this piece of furniture that was about to hit me and broke it clean in half! It was the coolest thing!”[/color] Maybe it wasn’t [i]exactly[/i] what had happened, Dana reflected, but it was close enough. And, after all, what Penny had [i]really[/i] done was even more awesome by far…