[hider=???] [color=636de9][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] ([i]a page is missing here...[/i]) All of Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢s forms are composed of sheets, rolls and scrolls of paper and parchment forming a single contiguous body. When it's being sociable, it takes on an extremely thin humanoid shape, vaguely resembling a desiccated mummy or a skeleton wearing a thin cloak. When stressed or distracted, Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢s form becomes amorphous, changing shape and dimensions based on need, limited only by what paper is available. Often it will end up as a serpentine mass of paper sprouting dozens of jointless limbs. Two consistent features are the formation of "eyes", wax seals recessed into 'sockets' through which Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢ is able to see, and the use of a silk ribbon as its tongue when it forms a mouth. Certain features change according to a pattern, the most important being the amount of writing and/or ink visible in an assumed form. The more comfortable Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢ becomes with an environment, situation or person, the more it will use older, or written-on paper in its composition. Beyond a certain point, [color=2e2c2c]([i]There was once something here, but it is too damaged to read...[/i])[/color] [color=636de9][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u][/color] [color=636de9][b]Paper Body[/b][/color][color=green]+[/color] Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢ has a supernatural affinity for paper and similar material, and is able to physically attract and control unattended paper anywhere within proximity of its form. Predictably, this makes Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢ incredibly lightweight. Combined with pseudo- [color=5e5c5c]([i]water stains make the wording illegible[/i])[/color] able to fly given enough room and material. An additional factor to consider is that the writing on the pages it controls act as a secondary memory medium, meaning it [color=5e5c5c]([i]The rest is too faded to read...[/i])[/color] [color=636de9][b]Fragile[/b][/color][color=red]-[/color] Having a paper body also means lacking the constitution to put up even the most basic physical resistance, and being vulnerable to a great number of things. Should Ì̧̛̕͝T̸҉̷͜͢ end up in a physical confrontation, its forms are easily disrupted and destroyed, and it can be tossed about quite easily by strong winds. Its paper-forms are also vulnerable to water, as it has great difficulty maintaining control of even partially soaked paper, though [color=5e5c5c](rot has taken part of the page...)[/color] writing damaged or ruined will diminish its ability to remember what was originally written. [color=2e2c2c]A pity it's in such poor condition. I'm sure I had a mending scroll around here somewhere... A bit of time and magic and it'll be good as new, I promise.[/color] [/hider]