[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ZT1oFwOs5lgNjkkr5dYCXnqcJHdga3d_7U1_fF0io8o/https/i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Niflheim Skills: Pyromancy [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] Elizabeth actually thought, for a few moments, that she might be able to get some rest before she had to face their next problem, or at the very least get a hot meal in her. It seemed, however, that the universe had different plans for her. Cracking her knuckles, she felt the fire behind her, warming her, flaming bright and hot. She raised her hands, and the fire followed with her. She couldn't see the monsters, but that didn't much matter. She knew roughly where they were, and would burn them all the same. Pushing her hands forward, she had meant for flame to burst forward, but she stumbled, her flames not coming forth. Huffing, she stood straight, and angrily snapped her arm forward, causing a tongue of flame to lash out, and light the head of one of the monsters on fire, however slightly. Pulling her hands towards her, she felt the fire behind her once more, and pulled a stream of it out, bending it into a ring, and encircling herself and the others with it. Putting some flame between them and the creatures should keep them safe, or at least give them a significant enough tactical advantage to keep this from getting too messy. Holding the ring there, she was ready to change strategy should the situation demand it.