[quote=@Inimical] *The webbing I distributed absorbs the shots entirely* *Your hand is wrapped several times over in the annihilating webbing after a few shots, destroying the rest in a very destructive manner right on top of you. I emerge from One of the strand yet again* Tsk tsk. Don't get tunnel vision, now. *Wags one index finger back and forth* [/quote] [quote=@Inimical] *The webbing I distributed absorbs the shots entirely* *Your hand is wrapped several times over in the annihilating webbing after a few shots, destroying the rest in a very destructive manner right on top of you. I emerge from One of the strand yet again* Tsk tsk. Don't get tunnel vision, now. *Wags one index finger back and forth* [/quote] *the blast destroys the balls, and I slide back, smiling* Don't worry. I was keeping eye.