[indent][indent] This was a crucial moment for Etor. Depending on what his next actions and words were the rest of his life would be altered forever. The whole mission had culminated to this single moment and now that it had arrived Etor was not one to shy away from destiny. [center][img]https://imgur.com/kK8sfuH.png[/img][/center] [b]Etor:[/b][i] "Ood Job too Lyun!" [/i] Etor had flashed the stoic mammoth of a man a wide earnest smile. He quickly killed the smile and shuffled past Lyun into the ruins. Lingering in the moment would only cheapen it so Etor got back to the objective at hand. He didn't progress much farther into the temple when he heard the faint yells of a man and saw Siris investigating some stairs. [b]Etor:[/b][i] "So much going on in here." [/i] [center][sub][i]Etor moves 6 tiles to [b]25-14[/b][/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent]